• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 27th, 2023


  • I do remember reading about them making a 64-bit port when Apple switched. Sure would have been nice if they would have upgraded all the versions! Although it does sound like it’s not without faults as well. Isla Paradiso was always a bit glitchy for me, even on Windows. I saw someone mention the water pathing being a potential issue with it. I would get a lot of multi second freezes and things like that. The last two times I’ve used the map I managed to have a pretty decent experience though. It’s a really nice looking place.

    I definitely agree on having a sequel actually bring something new to the table. I see a lot of games released that are basically reskinned versions of the previous game. Or as you mentioned in the case of The Sims 4, removing content from the base game to sell more expansion packs! I did get the base game and the seasons pack on a very deep discount, but it felt very empty and disappointing overall. Of course, maybe I’m not supposed to enjoy the game until I spend $1200 to buy all of the dlc! That plus the need to log into an Origin account makes it a no go for me. Even TS3 is still a little crazy to get everything, but even before they reduced the expansion prices it wasn’t near that bad. I also played the base game on it’s own for a few years before buying my first dlc, so there’s definitely a solid base.

    Anyway, like you said, I really want a lot of competition for the series! I’m not planning to buy any future releases until something changes in their business model. We’ll see what happens though!

  • The Sims 3 is my favorite of the series, and the one I still play, so that’s probably why I like the more realistic art style! It is a very badly optimized game though! However, even with 10 dlcs installed it’s actually surprisingly stable for me. I am running it on Linux though, so Proton may be helping with that a bit. I remember having more bugs when I was playing it on Windows. I also run very little custom content, so I’m guessing that helps as well!

    I do agree that the style Paralives is going with is going to save them a lot of development time and money. It’ll also make it a lot easier to differentiate the games as well. I’m sure it’ll grow on me over time, gameplay is usually more important to me than graphics.

    I would really like having free dlc, and I’m hoping it does work for them. However, I’m not as opposed as some to paying for dlc if it’s an actual expansion of a good base game and not a few random cosmetics. I highly doubt I would be still regularly playing The Sims 3 12-13 years from the day I bought it if they hadn’t released all of the expansions. The “dollar per hour” metric that I see many using has been exceeded many years ago!

    I guess what I’m saying is that I almost prefer buying a $20 expansion for a game I already have rather than buy a whole new $40 game every year or so. It’s also possible to get them on sale, so I often had savings there too. It also gives me the option to not purchase or uninstall expansions that I don’t want for my current playthrough. It’s definitely not a wholehearted endorsement of the practice, but I do see some of the benefits of it if done right.

    That being said, they’ve taken it way too far with TS4. Stuff packs, even most of the ones from TS3, should definitely be free updates! There also seems to be a large number of expansions that add very little, or are definitely things that should be in the base game.

    Sorry for the small novel, it just kept getting longer! I don’t talk much, but I get too wordy when I’m typing!

  • I think you’re right, they did take on too much for a first release. I don’t really think many studios have the resources to go head to head, so they’re most likely going to need to find something they can do better than the Sims.

    I’m also glad to see Paralives hasn’t shown signs of quitting, I’m hoping we’ll see a good release from them. It’s funny you mentioned the art style, as it’s actually the main thing I’ve seen so far that I’m not a fan of! I still plan on playing it if/when it releases though.

    I am curious how the no paid dlc will work out for them long term. Hopefully they’ll get enough sales to follow Hello Games and be releasing free updates years down the road, but I could just as easily see them adding new features to a Paralives 2 a few years down the road. It is an indie studio though, so I have higher hopes for free updates and bug fixes than I would with some of the big ones.

  • Unfortunately I don’t know if anyone will ever catch up with the massive head start of EA/Maxis. Having an entire studio centered around it definitely helps iterate more quickly as well. It’s going to be very hard for any potential competitors to offer a fraction of the content, at least at first. Even though I may dislike how much content gets locked behind a dlc, it really builds out the game in a way that wouldn’t happen otherwise.

    That being said, I think a company that got a solid and fun (and bug free!) foundation out the door could get a toe hold in the market. Especially if they offered easy options for scripting custom content, maps, etc.

  • It sounds like they’ve got a pretty small dev team, so I’m sure it’s going to take a while. Hopefully the wait will be worth it!

    I’m somewhat torn on what I would prefer these games to do. On one hand I would like it to be like the Sims, but better. On the other I would like them to carve out their own niche and go from there. Either way they go there will be people that are disappointed. I’m personally not a huge fan of the artstyle of Paralives, but good gameplay is almost always the deciding factor for me. I’m certainly willing to give it a try, if for no other reason than supporting alternatives.

  • I like it! It was the first distro I used when I started using Linux full time. It just works most of the time, (other than the Pop Shop) and fixes most of the issues I have with Gnome. I’m looking forward to seeing how Cosmic works once it is ready to go, and I’m hoping their new shop I just read about works well!

    When I first started using it I wanted something that was far away from the Windows look, and it does it well. Maybe it’s weird, but having it look wildly different from Windows put me in a different mindset and helped me learn the Linux way of doing things rather than trying to make Linux work like Windows.

    I’m still running it on my main gaming rig, but I’ve been doing a lot of experimenting on my other computers. I’ve gotten to really like both Budgie and Plasma since then, and I’m using distros with those DEs on them on two of my other computers.