Dear Software Developers,

We are currently seeking a skilled and experienced software developer to build a binary crypto website for our company.

Our website will be a platform where users can easily trade and exchange various cryptocurrencies. We want the website to be secure and user-friendly, with a clean layout and modern design. The website should also feature a user dashboard where users can monitor their accounts and trades.

We would prefer a developer who is familiar with binary options trading and has experience in creating secure websites. The ideal candidate should be knowledgeable in various programming languages, such as Python, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

If you are interested in this opportunity, please provide us with your resume and portfolio showcasing your previous work. We are looking for someone who can commit to delivering quality work within an agreed timeline.

Budget for this project will be ranging from Twenty thousand United States Dollars To Thirty Thousand United States Dollars ($20000-$30000) this price can be negotiated on

We are excited about this project and look forward to hearing from qualified candidates.

Thank you.


