I got a Lenovo Ideapad recently—which is a particularly awesome graphics latptop/tablet combo, by the way—and threw KUbuntu on it. Everything went smoothly, and their official site was especially helpful in getting Windows 11 off of there and KUbuntu on it. It’s responsive, light weight enough to be portable but heavy enough to be usable as a canvas. They’re in my good book now.

That said, KUbuntu, for whatever the reason, did not seem to come with an on-screen keyboard for tablet mode. Except for, well, the login screen; but after that I was on my own… so I installed Onboard. Onboard is running pretty smoothly, and stays out of the way, but I can’t help but notice an issue.

The SUPER key, commonly referred to as the WINDOWS KEY, is not unique to Windows. They weren’t the first to use it, and they didn’t invent it—LISP did at MIT. But, through shenanigans, they managed to get every super key to have a Windows logo on it. OK, I can deal with that.

I don’t understand why Onboard is now labeling it the “WIN” key. It may be a stupid thing to get worked up about, but it’s anticlimactic and it irks me.

Is there an Onboard config file I can change this with, somewhere?