My current place is being sold, so my cheap ass rent for an entire house? Gone!

Oh well, I have a friend in QC looking to move, and he asked if I’d join him. Prices in MTL are of negligible difference to my city in Ontario, but the area we’d be looking is in the more-french portion of MTL.

So I’ve got maybe 4 months to learn as much french as I can. I have an ok understanding of syntax and can parse the phonemes on the bad end of ok.

I don’t wanna use the Owl app, I don’t think it’s actually that effective a language teacher.

Any advice on how I can shove in as much french as I can to become minimally conversational?

Apps, anki decks, textbooks; anything would be appreciated. ♥

    8 months ago

    Okay it with your friend, and ring him every day, but you can only speak to each other in French. Agree that you can ask each other what a word is in French if you’re stuck, but otherwise, you speak French. Obviously emergencies are exempt.

    8 months ago

    J’aimerais juste ajouter: c’est apprécié que tu penses à ces choses avant de déménager dans une région francophone. C’est très facile lorsqu’on parle anglais de simplement présumer que tous pourront nous comprendre, et apprendre le français ce n’est pas facile.

    Bonne chance avec l’apprentissage et le déménagement!