• pgetsos@kbin.socialOP
    1 year ago

    Just a laughable product launch. The whole 4000 series is ridiculously priced, but this… This is special

    • comic_zalgo_sans@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      GPU pricing in general is a horror show if you’re trying to use current components, unless you’re into ‘money no object’ territory in which case this GPU isn’t even on your radar.

      I’m on a 1070 and in order to get a worthwhile upgrade where I can really see a benefit (shiny new features, etc) I’m looking a whole new system - the dumb thing is the GPU situation is a blocker (for me) as there’s no good options, but the rest of it is in a pretty good place right now. However as a gaming machine (i.e. no “productivity” or “hobbyist ML researcher”) is pointless without doing the GPU. The low-mainstream market is screwed, and I see a possible “reap what you sow” situation in a few generations from screwing the entry point. Where’s the value, especially in comparison to other options for gaming? I can get a second hand current-gen console for 300-350 bucks locally

      • pgetsos@kbin.socialOP
        1 year ago

        I am on a RX580 and I have 2 4K60 screens for work. I wanted to upgrade to something better since before the 3000 series, but I couldn’t justify the expense (especially during Covid times). Along with the lack of time for gaming right now which leads to me playing mostly indie or older games, I guess the 580 is fine for now…

        • comic_zalgo_sans@lemmy.world
          1 year ago

          Indie/older games is a bit of an understated point I think, this is my personal perspective but I’d say there’s huge amounts of PC gamers that are happy on older systems because there hasn’t really been a really desirable demanding game yet. Even for stuff like Hogwarts or Starfield there’s plenty that are okay with lower settings. And there’s no new esports/online game like CS/Siege/DOTA with demanding requirements where the network effects are dragging people to upgrade.

          I think there’s a lot of people sniping from the sidelines at “greedy nvidia/AMD” because they can opt-out of upgrading in the present. It’s another story when there’s a need to spend a pile of money for a game they want to play, at least on PC.