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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 29th, 2023


  • sure, but the series and Square are by far very different than they were in it’s heyday. Square has really been racking its players over the coals with shitty tactics lately and has signaled pretty loud and clear that they don’t care about games at all and are just trying to get money out of you (I mean all major companies are like that, the others are just better at it and shut up about it) I said Tears of the Kingdom because it’s the current high selling game, that’s what they wanted this game to be and I honestly don’t know why you’d even hope for something like that when handling business the way they do. (as people have mentioned they’d play it but do not have the system.)

  • oh look people in the comments who are missing the fucking point. I’m honestly so sick of this shit. You either have rainbows and unicorns and “we’ll just figure it out”/climate deniers to “WE ARE ALL GOING TO DIE AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH” apathetic fucks who won’t do shit* because “what’s the point we are all doomed anyway” which…causes the same problem as denying does.

    honestly i’ve delt with more people who refuse to change anything because “what’s the point” than I deal with outright deniers anymore.

    *not sure if anyone in the comments is an apathetic "do nothing though tbf and honest. So there is my disclaimer don’t @ me.