• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Apparently I’m going to be a bit of a dissenting opinion, but I think they’re interesting as an option. The appeal of “as-stock-as-possible” Android on a mid-high range phone is where I land in what I want. It’s why I had a 1+ 5T and now a 1+ 8Pro, but continued software and OS issues with their version of Android and just continued price climbing and parity with the shitty OPPO OS they are using has me searching elsewhere.

    I left Samsung with the…Galaxy S3? I think? And have had no will to return to their bullshit. I had an LG Nexus 5x that bricked itself, which isn’t a glowing review of the brand in my eyes. Pixel is the next closest competitor, but I don’t care for camera power, so it’s large selling point is way down on my priority list. Nothing is as good an option as any for what I am usually looking for, tho I may wait for this cycle to complete and see what Phone 3 looks like.

  • Lol tell this to people who are upset that every planet doesn’t have a thriving colony in it. The “empty planets” are frustrating to them.

    Not that you or they are wrong, it just highlights that matters of opinion on things like this are a spectrum, and sometimes you end up on the far end. I like that I can land on a planet and have something besides just rocks, but also that’s it’s procedurally generated so that it isn’t the same every time. It’s false replayability, sure, but if I like playing the game, it doesn’t matter to me that the layouts are the same.

  • You’re not wrong, I think I had some misconstruing of the point of his statements.

    I think the apathy has started popping up because the onus is being placed on the individual at multiple levels. It’s on me to change my habits to the level of environmental conscientiousness which I’m trying to reach; LEDs, efficient appliances, electric vehicle (arguable at this point), recycling efforts across many spectrums, supporting public policy that encourages green practices, etc. But even as a population, that doesn’t effect much change when considering corporate practices. Surface level changes to some operations to take advantage of rebates or subsidies, but only so far as it’s deemed profitable. Manufacturing and material acquisition still being “dirty”, use of international labor to sidestep stricter policies, general obfuscation tactics, lobbyists and generally vast amounts of money actively seeking to stop or reverse policies.

    I as an individual can enact much change in my life and those around me. But it falls well short of what a single company could do if they really wanted to take the leap.

    I could also just have a narrow-sighted perspective on the situation, but that’s largely where I fall currently. The focus on individual efforts vs societal (largely meaning the tools at my disposal beyond what I can provide myself) leaves much to be desired.

  • I disagree. I recently saw a video of someone saying “if the Bible said 1+1 is 3, I’d be finding ways to make the math work so that 1+1=3.” How is anyone supposed to have discussions with someone who’s views subsist in that mindset?

    There are absolutely unwinnable people, to me. Additionally, they may be winnable, but we’re on a clock, and we can’t wait until it’s done to decide to leave them behind.

    I do agree that there are factors larger than them causing the issue, and that needs dealt with as well.