Hail Satan.


Using Mbin as a backup to my main Kbin account due to tech issues on Kbin.social. May either switch to this one permanently or abandon it, depending on how Kbin’s development goes. All my active fedi accounts are linked.

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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: March 4th, 2024

  • I’m going the 100% free-to-play route and I’m actually enjoying this game so far. I’ve tried to get into some other Hoyoverse games, but had a hard time because of how cheesy a lot of the writing was, and just not being that into the general gameplay loops for those games, so I wasn’t going into this with very high hopes. But the writing is significantly better this time around, and the gameplay is a pretty good balance of being engaging enough to be fun while not being a total grind.

  • I put about 6 hours into it, and it largely feels pretty shallow. I don’t know if the gear you get later in the game significantly changes the gameplay too much, but the basic combat loop is pretty simplistic. There doesn’t seem to be a lot of variety in your abilities, as each character you can play as seems pretty locked-down. Right now it feels like 99% of the player base is using a single character, Bunny, so you and all your teammates are basically just doing the exact same things all the time.

    The PS5 version has some pretty bad performance issues. Certain areas just drop the game down to 30 FPS as soon as you cross an invisible boundary. Some player/enemy animations start rendering at lower framerates when there’s a lot of things on the screen. The “fidelity” mode is basically unplayable, and enabling ray tracing is literally unplayable; I’m not sure why those options are even available on the PS5 version in the first place, to be honest.

    The plot is kinda weak and generic. Half the time I spent playing was listening to characters exposition-dump on me, and I still have no idea what’s supposed to be going on or why I’m doing what I’m doing. The game does little to compel you, as a player, to actually care about the plot.

    The monetization doesn’t seem too out of control. I’ve not looked too deeply through the shop, but it looks like it’s mostly cosmetics. I didn’t see anything that screams “pay to win”, and at no point did the game purposely direct my attention to the shop; I had to find it on my own, which is actually great because I hate when games stop you to force you to look through the shop as part of the tutorial.

    If the gameplay gets more engaging or exciting in the endgame, that’d be great, but so far it really doesn’t look like it. I want to like it, so I’m probably gonna keep playing throughout the week and see how it goes as I progress further. But right now, I’m at least just glad it’s free.