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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 17th, 2023


  • You make some good points - I don’t think anyone can reasonably argue linux is in a state where a ‘regular’ user will find it more productive than windows. But, statements like these make as many assumptions about an individual’s use case and workflow as saying ‘everyone should use linux because xyz’:

    If you live in a bubble where you don’t have to collaborate with anyone else

    There are annoyances from time to time, sure, but they’re way fewer and simpler to deal with than the hoops you’ve to go through to get a minimal and viable/productive desktop experience on Linux

    If you buy a Windows license and spend the time you would’ve spent dealing with Linux compatibility issues doing your actual job you’ll, most likely, get a better ROI.

    Again, it’s certainly not reasonable to say linux is universally (or even generally) better for productivity. But neither is it reasonable to say it always isn’t. Operating systems are tools, which one to use depends entirely on the situation.

  • Most of my fiction reading nowadays is from web serials. I’m following a dozen or so right now, each putting out around a half hour’s worth of reading a week. I’d like to read more ‘book’ books but I have a hard time getting into them compared to serials.

    Following ongoing series where there’s a chapter released every few days prevents binging, and I end up much more invested when I’ve been regularly reading about a world for months/years, with each chapter sticking in my head until the next. Plus new chapters coming out feels like an exciting event, drawing me right back in - with traditionally published novels I just don’t feel that draw as much (and when I do I can’t put it down, it kinda sucks unavoidably finishing my favorite books in a couple weeks at most).

    There are problems with the format too of course - it encourages a lot of poor writing habits which, especially when combined with the low barrier of entry, means the average quality is much lower than traditional books. But when you find one you like, it’s a lot of fun to be so regularly immersed in a world you enjoy for so long.

  • Titles like this annoy me. If you have something interesting to say - which is the case here - say what it is. No need to obfuscate the topic. It wastes time for everyone.

    Anyway, it’s kinda hilarious that the only way to make a proper circle in PDFs is with line caps. What a bizarre format. I hope it’s succeeded by something better sooner rather than later, I can’t think of any time they haven’t been a pain to work with.

  • Great movie! As long as I can remember my family’s had it on VHS (then DVD), I must have seen it dozens of times over the years. Obviously I think it holds up lol but nice to hear it actually does.

    Yes Man is my other favorite Jim Carrey movie, probably in part because he plays it somewhat serious too (though not as serious as Truman Show). It got middling reviews but I enjoyed it quite a bit - the comedy is a little more subtle than what you expect when you hear the premise and lead actor, but it works, and the romance elements are nice in it too. No masterpiece but worth a watch if you’re in the mood for something light and fun.