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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • I’m an AI nerd and yes, nowhere close. AI can write code snippets pretty well, and that’ll get better with time, but a huge part of software development is translating client demands into something sane and actionable. If a CEO of a 1-man billion dollar company asks his super-AI to “build the next Twitter”, that leaves so many questions on the table that the result will be completely unpredictable. Humans have preferences and experiences which can inform and fill in those implicit questions. They’re generally much better suited as tools and copilots than autonomous entities.

    Now, there was a paper that instantiated a couple dozen LLMs and had them run a virtual software dev company together which got pretty good results, but I wouldn’t trust that without a lot more research. I’ve found individual LLMs with a given task tend to get tunnel vision, so they could easily get stuck in a loop trying the same wrong code or design repeatedly.

    (I think this was the paper, reminiscent of the generative agent simulacra paper, but I also found this)

  • This is victim blaming. He isn’t at fault for trusting a company to have the bare minimum of respect for his property and autonomy, the company is at fault for not actually having that respect. Whether the company is actually trustworthy is as immaterial as saying someone “deserved” to have their car stolen because they forgot to lock it.

    You can criticize him for not being cautious in this low-trust environment, but don’t let it get to the point where the party actually at fault gets off without criticism.

  • Hm, yeah I think you’re right. I was wondering why it wasn’t sitting right in my head. Deflation encourages hoarding because the value of each unit keeps increasing so if you spend now instead of later you lose some amount of potential value. I don’t think it was meant to be a scam though. In this case I’d consider it ignorance of the knock-on effects later exploited rather than an explicit conspiracy from the get-go.

  • Bitcoin at least is inherently deflationary because there’s a fixed market cap of 21 million bitcoins. Once all of those are mined, all value from then on is some fraction of a fraction of one of those, thus they decrease in value over time. I should also note, I like Bitcoin as a proof of concept but don’t think it’s viable as a currency, and PoW isn’t viable as a consensus protocol (although it demonstrated that such consensus protocols are possible).

  • “Squandering” is a great description of what they’ve been used for. The only implementations I’ve seen thus far that seem genuinely useful are FileCoin and a few decentralized computing attempts like ICP (not Ethereum). I could see a potential niche use-case for NFTs to decentrally coordinate ownership of abstract properties like domain names, but speculative monkey jpegs ain’t it chief.

  • It’s fiat, I won’t argue it was ever going to be a good currency with built-in deflation, but that’s what it was originally meant to be. It’s long since become too volatile to be anything but a speculative asset, though. It does seem curious to me what that says about the actual distinction between legitimate currencies, stock options, and pyramid scheme buy-ins.

  • The key search term is “userChrome” (userChrome.css and userChrome.js) and XUL, which is the HTML-like language FF uses to define its chrome. “Chrome” is a term that predates Google’s browser, referring to the interface surrounding the displayed web content and Firefox still uses that internally.

    Right now mine is pretty minimal, but there’s a lot you can change. Essentially, the interface is a kind of HTML page which can use the same features as normal HTML and can even run custom JavaScript. Also look into BetterFox for how to remove Mozilla’s own telemetry and bloat.

    My userChrome.css for reference;

    /* Move findbar to the top */
    .browserContainer > findbar {
        -moz-box-ordinal-group:0 !important; /*  for 112 and older */
        order: -1 !important; /* for 113 and newer */
        border-top: none !important;
        border-bottom: 1px solid ThreeDShadow !important;
    /* Remove "Open All In Tabs" button in bookmarks folders */
    #PlacesToolbarItems .openintabs-menuitem,
    #placesContext>menuitem[id="placesContext_openContainer:tabs"]:not([hidden])+menuitem+#placesContext_openSeparator {
        visibility: collapse !important;
    /* Tabs are attached on the bottom */
    .tab-background {
      border-radius: var(--tab-border-radius) var(--tab-border-radius) 0 0 !important;
      margin-top: 1px !important;
      margin-bottom: 0 !important;
      padding-bottom: 31px !important;
    .tabbrowser-tab[multiselected=true]:not([selected=true]) .tab-background {
      border-radius: var(--tab-border-radius) !important;
      margin-top: 2px !important;
      margin-bottom: 1px !important;
      padding-bottom: 29px !important;
    .tabbrowser-tab[selected=true] .tab-background ,
    .tabbrowser-tab[multiselected=true] .tab-background {
      background-color: var(--toolbar-bgcolor) !important;
      background-image: var(--toolbar-bgimage) !important;

    I found this repo which is supposed to apply Chromium styles in line with Google’s Material Design guidelines.

    Here’s an article I found with some simple tweaks.