• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 9th, 2023


  • Im a huge advocate for fitness and diet for people who are having trouble with mental health. Because it gives you something you can nerd out on, control, research and if it sticks its a huge net positive for your life.

    Figuring out your macros, setting yourself a step goal, designing a functional diet, doing some basic weight training even with just bodyweight exercises.

    It also has the advantage of quite often leaving you tired at the end of the day. I can recommend some resources if you like.

  • Id say the one thing I kind of disagree with here is the emails. If I’m at my computer and the email says “Are you able to handle this 15 minute job for me by EOD?” I respond immediately “Yeah, I can fit that in.” and then go back to whatever it was I was doing and handle it later.

    If someone is asking me to do a big job I dont reply immediately and go do some prep work for the big job and email them an hour later. “Not a problem, Ill get on it ASAP.”

    If you respond and get tasks done immediately sometimes it makes them think you must be in the middle of something when you dont. When someone gives you a big task that will take 4 hours and they check in on you 3 hours after you reply to the email and you’re almost finished, it puffs up your ability.

    But in general I agree, responding to emails is a great tool for managing perceptions and expectations.

  • Now I absolutely mean this with zero disrespect.

    If you guys were a younger harder band, possibly with a punk leaning The Slappers would be an amazing name but having watched the video, Greyson and the Argonauts fits better.

    If someone said “Come see this band “The Slappers” Ive seen them before and they are really good!” you guys arent what Id expect.

  • Truth be told some of the supposed benefits of TRT are improved sleep, improved moods, feeling more “whole” and being less Irritable. Is it low because I sleep like shit and Im stressed or do I sleep like shit and I’m always stressed because its low.

    Edot: That answer seemed a bit flippant, Theres a bit of light at the end of those tunnels, in that my daughter gets more reasonable every day and we just sold our old place and moved into a tiny shitshow of a place to save money while the new one is built so hopefully in 12 months she might ne going to bed on time in her nice new bedroom. Works always going to be work though.