• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • Emmmm, kind of disingenuous. And by that I mean a lot.

    First of all, who takes the word of someone at face value that they didnt commit a crime. One thing would be a confession, which you can of course still doubt if there are proper reasons, but a defense saying “what I did is not a crime” is useless in itself.

    Second, he is being disingenuous here. He mocks the loverboy methos like it is a fake accousation with no meaning behind, seriously describing it as “being nice” is sick.

    If you are actually interested on why it is condemned and considered part of traficking, read the part on grooming here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sex_trafficking

    And here is a law firm article on the matter: https://www.carlsonattorneys.com/news-and-update/loverboy-andrew-tate

    Seriously though, this clip is no reply. He literally deflects the accusations “I pretended to love girls to make ticktock for money”, no, that isnt the accusation, it was forcing them into porn by coercing them and placing them in situations where it is difficult to reject. The allegations are serious, one thing is to defend himself saying he didnt do it, but to try to downplay what he has been accused of (and even said himself he has done years ago) is sickening.

  • “Without evidence” bruh he has described using the loverboy method himself, consistently for years.

    And even if you were to say he is lying (which would be a weird thing yo lie about) you do have 2 rape allegations back in the UK plus allegations in Rumania, if you go and ignore it all saying there is 0 evidence that is on you…

    You might say there is no definitive evidence yet, but that is just because he hasn’t gone through trial, which says nothing about culpability

  • Oy, unrelated question, did you changr instances??? I can’t see the posts you made yesterday. Or did you delete them/were they deleted?

    Also, must say, I’m quite enjoying your posts. It feels like a mixture of bait low effort trolling with a little bit of honesty behind and I just find it hilarious, so don’t stop (well of course until you get banned)

  • I thought it was something like this.

    Personally I wouldnt recommend it due to the massive price difference between 4k 60 and 4k 144, as I said it is not something you notice unless you already play at 144fps which makes going back to 60 a bad experience. It is not something that results in a significantly better experience in that sense, sure playing at 144 is nice, but it is not something you notice as much as having better graphics (again, this is subjective, I personally have an 144hz monitor but I do play a lot of multiplayer games, and even then sometimes I play at 60 fps if it means significantly better graphics on single player games)

    The best possible thing you could do is go to a hardware store that has monitors on display or ask if you can try it and see for yourself the difference and if its worth it, but as an abstract idea without knowing you personally I would recommend going for a 60 hz monitor, especially since you could allocate that difference in money to other parts of your build or peripherals.

    And even if you were to decide to play multiplayer, believe me the difference is response timing is not that big and once you get accustomed to it your brain kind of gets used and starts predicting things geared towards that framerate, neglecting some of the advantage of higher framerates, I believe this idea was on a Linus Tech Tips video a few years back they did with Shroud, dont know how true it was but its out there if you are interested.

  • Make a difference how? Because he asked if it makes for better gameplay, which I interpreted as an advantage in game (ex. Reaction time) instead of how smooth it feels, which for advantage it really shouldn’t matter for a singleplayer game that doesn’t require to be milliseconds faster than the oponent and isn’t designed with such minute differenses, unlike csgo. Because of that it really doesn’t make a difference gameplay wise.

    But if it’s about how it feels, I agree that they feel different, once you go back to 60 it feels less fluid, but it won’t really change your results in game. And that difference is only noticeable once you play at 144 so it isn’t necessary recommendedable to spend a lot of money in a new monitor.

    But at the end of the day, it is about personal preference if you are going for graphics on ultra or 144hz/fps and graphics on high as it’s a difference on how the game feels, the best thing is to go to a hardware store and ask if you can test a monitor or see if a friend has one to see if the difference on feeling for the fps is worth the money for the new monitor

  • TLDR: it won’t affect the gameplay. It is a noticeable upgrade but probably not as much as having higher graphics, what you prioritize is up to you but you won’t really notice it is at 60 if you haven’t played at 144 before.

    Better gameplay? No definitely not, even for shooters unless you are at a really high skill level it is extremely improvablebit actually affects youe skill if thr frames are consistent.

    It is notable, in the sense that if you play at 144 fps when you go back to 60 fps you can feel yhe difference, but after a few hours you stop noticing it. The most important thing is consistentcy, as long as you have no frame drops you will be so focused on the game that it being lower frames is irrelevant. And you will (probably) need to lower the graphics to run cyberpunk at 144 and it will be more noticeable than the frames, especially if you don’t play at 144 before. It is of course nice to play at 144, but at the end of the day it is a matter of personal preference on single player games if you go for frames or graphics.