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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 29th, 2023


  • It’s not perfect - there’s a mechanic where you can test someone’s blood to determine if they’re a Thing, but sometimes there are scripted moments that override it and just instantly flip someone. So you could literally test someone, find that they’re clean, then walk to the next room and SPLAARBGCHH they turn into a monster.

    That said, it still does manage to capture a ton of what made the movie so special: an amazing setting, some terrifying threats, and awesome tension. Plus, if you love the movie, it actually does a good job of expanding the immediate universe of the story without feeling grossly tacked on.

    Overall, I’m super psyched to grab this when it comes out. I never completely finished the game so this will be my chance.

  • Your points are totally valid, but I will share my reasons for having faith in this particular project:

    1. The creators have been delivering projects for about 40 years now (not Kickstarter, but mostly as Toys for Bob).
    2. The project has progressed significantly already - prototypes have been built and assets have been created. It’s not just a speculative project.
    3. The project is of a manageable scope. It’s not planning to revolutionize anything or deliver innovative technology. It’s well-trodden ground, technically speaking.

    I will admit that there’s risk in it being a small team chasing nostalgia, so even if it does deliver something, the quality may not be what we all hope it could be. But I have enough faith in the team that it can’t be worse than Star Control 3.

  • This is Alice. I got her at the same time as I got Milo, about 12 years ago now. Milo passed way in 2022 and I miss him all the time. He was my buddycat, Alice is my bunnycat. She’s soft, fluffy, sweet, and lazy. She loves a warm spot and a lap to cuddle on, though since she’s about 16 years old now, she can’t really jump up onto things anymore. We also adopted a little lunatic kitten named Chess, and she hates him passionately. We keep her sequestered away from the kitten and the new dog we also adopted, but the little bastard loves her so much and wants nothing more than to be her best friend. He sits on the other side of the door and sings to her all day. She just hisses back. She’s entitled to be crotchety though. Sometimes we take her out and bring her onto the couch and set her up with some lap time and she just curls up in a ball until Chess comes along, at which point she hisses ceaselessly until he goes away.

    Unrequited love, what a sad story.

    This is Chess: