• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • An Apartheid is not a democracy.

    Even if it were, those aren’t mutually exclusive. Most, if not all democracies are flawed in some fashion.

    But still the war cabinet fully supports what Netanyahu is saying here.

    So much so that members have been on the verge of resigning several times. You underestimate just how frail Netanyahus position really is.

    So you are correct to point out that it is not just Netanyahu but the israeli government that does not want a ceasefire.

    It does, just not at the terms Hamas demands.

    The rest of your comment makes no sense.

    I’m perfectly willing to clarify. If there is something you fail to understand, please highlight it.

  • Netanyahu is not the end-all-be-all of Israeli decisionmaking. Unlike Hamas, the Israeli state is a democratic institution. If an agreement is formulated between that guarantees the Israeli citizenry that Gazan islamic terrorists won’t repeat an october 7 massacre in the future, Netanyahu will not be able to stop it. Time is what is needed to create such an agreement.

    However, as always, Hamas prioritizes their own interests above those of the Gazan populace. They know very well Israel can not realistucally agree to an unconditional, permanent end to hostilities, as that was the situation that led to october 7th in the first place.

    At the minimum I would expect a permanent end to the war to be conditioned on Hamas releasing the remaining civilian hostages.

  • French culture has a long and bloody history specifically centered around getting rid of religious rule (read christianity), and implementing laws that essentially amount to freedom from religion. This is unlike a lot of other countries which focused on freedom of religion.

    When large muslim communities form, this often leads to the imposition of their religious expressions upon others. This specifically clashes with French culture, where religion is a private matter, for private spaces. Hence why many french react strongly when muslims complain about how the very laws they relied on to rid themselves of the yoke of Christianity is somehow specifically discriminatory against them.

    No, it’s not discriminatory against islam or muslims in particular. It’s a defence mechanism against the imposition of regressive, anti-humanist values on the general population by organized religion.

  • Looks to be an average of 2 ppl per lane with 3m ahead & behind. An average biking speed for commuters is 18-29kph, so let’s do the calculus for 20, 25, & 30. This gives a throughput of 2x3x(20 or 25 or 30)/(3.6x6) ≈ (5.5 or 7 or 8.3) ppl/second

    Car occupancy is ~1.5ppl/car in the EU. Given that this is a german highway Average distance between cars ~3 lengths meaning 4x4.5m=18m/car. For a long time these roads had “no speed limit”, but the recommendation was ~130kph. Let’s conservatively use 120 & 100kph. This gives 1.5x3x(100 or 120)/(3.6x18) ≈ (7 or 8.3) ppl/second.

    Various things fudge the numbers in either direction, but that’s actually shockingly close between the two.