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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 25th, 2023


  • I have categorically zero issues with spending (or knowing how much I can afford to spend), whether I use plastic or not. Using plastic doesn’t change my spending habits. I know how much money I have at all times, and it is simple to stay within a budget that way. My “plastic,” by the way, is actually cash. I use a debit card, not a credit card. I basically just don’t buy things for which I don’t have the money. When I want something expensive (like my computer system or a car) I save so I can buy it outright - or in the case of my car, pay it off as fast as possible and be done.

    I have two credit cards; both just sit in a drawer here and never see the light of day except maybe once a year when I get a notice that the accounts will be closed for lack of use. I then make a purchased on each, and immediately pay the balance in full as soon as it’s billed to me.

    I realize these are “old school” habits most people don’t engage in, but for me has it worked well and helped me to maintain maximum credit rating. The American credit system is one of the biggest rackets I have ever seen and the last thing you want to deal with is bad credit because it’s impact follows you everywhere. Applying for a job, finding an apartment, getting a car, etc.

  • I mean our computers and phones already do something like this while looking for available WiFi networks, so maybe it wouldn’t be that farfetched. On the other hand, I just got a flashback to Jim Carrey in Batman and… “the box” for some bizarre reason! 😂

    Since I live in a small space and game a lot, I have invested in a gorgeous 4k monitor and honestly love how all my movies look as well as games, so I have zero issues. It would be nice to someday buy a large tv that didn’t constantly search, scan, and update crap I don’t want or need, but I am not holding my breath they will reverse course.

  • Have read the thread, since I am currently considering replacing my dinosaur Samsung S5. It still works like a charm and I have zero issue with it doing what I need it to do. I long ago unlocked and rooted it. I was starting to feel like replacing it may be wise before it should suddenly not work out of the blue since it’s so old.

    My question is: should I be moving on to iPhone if these sort of issue with newer Androids are going to make them more difficult to use as I want? or do iPhones have the same problems? Forgive my ignorance since I know nothing about iPhones. I am just curious.