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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • Thanks for elaborating! You raise a lot of good points.

    I recently tried to consolidate all of my various email addresses into Thunderbird and oh boy is it fun trying to get a 20 year old Gmail account to cooperate. I often find myself having to open up Gmail in my browser just to get anything more complex than checking or writing new email accomplished. It doesn’t help that I have a quarter of a million messages organized between ~70 “folders”, I’m sure, but holy hell… it’s a nightmarescape. Thunderbird never stops querying the server. I’m about ready to backup all of the old messages and just burn the whole account down.

  • I don’t have a position on cell phone interfaces and hadn’t planed to give one. No skin in this game, really, though it’s clearly a contentious issue!

    I just can’t help but notice when people are being terrible conversation partners, mostly. Me finding you to be an asshole has nothing to do with how I feel about cell phone ports.

    Anyone fucking stupid enough to think the 3.5mm Jack is a good thing deserves the disappointment they feel every time a device doesn’t have own, tbh, bring it on themselves

    Are you 12?

  • You caught me. I still daily drive Chrome. I am an on-again off-again Firefox user and have been for nearly 2 decades.

    That said, I appreciate that input. I’ve been working on switching over to using Firefox as my daily driver, but it’s going to take some time for me to fully transition, unless you know of an extension or script that can migrate all my chrome tabs over to Firefox. I’m curious to see if it can handle my full browsing habits, now that they’ve evolved into what most would consider “tab hoarder” behavior.

  • Reposting a comment I wrote in another thread that explains it:

    Bookmarks are for things I’ll need to reference again and again in the coming years. I do keep a tightly-curated bookmark collection, I just don’t want it clogged up with a bunch of stuff I can’t foresee needing in the long term.

    Tabs are for things I’m working on right now and don’t need bookmarking for the long term. And, for what it’s worth, most of the browser windows are custom-titled, so the windows themselves are a lot like bookmark folders, while the tabs are like temporary bookmarks.

    Plus, the ability to search through tabs by hitting Ctrl+Shift+A means that it ends up being faster to search through my tabs than my bookmarks, without using the mouse. ex: Ctrl+Shift+A, Type needed page, up/down arrows if needed, then hit enter to move to the tab. With Ctrl+Shift+O, you don’t get the same ease of scrolling the results without tabbing through a bunch of junk first.

    There are other reasons, including neurological ones surely, but those are my primary justifications.

  • 32gb. The browser is using about 11.2gb of ram at the moment, but I haven’t restarted the browser or the computer in about a week. After a browser restart it’s usually only using 5~6gb, though that steadily climbs as I reactivate hibernated tabs.

    Reposting from a previous comment I’ve made about this topic:

    Bookmarks are for things I’ll need to reference again and again in the coming years. I do keep a tightly-curated bookmark collection, I just don’t want it clogged up with a bunch of stuff I can’t foresee needing in the long term.

    Tabs are for things I’m working on right now and don’t need bookmarking for the long term. And, for what it’s worth, most of the browser windows are custom-titled, so the windows themselves are a lot like bookmark folders, while the tabs are like temporary bookmarks.

    Plus, the ability to search through tabs by hitting Ctrl+Shift+A means that it ends up being faster to search through my tabs than my bookmarks, without using the mouse. ex: Ctrl+Shift+A, Type needed page, up/down arrows if needed, then hit enter to move to the tab. With Ctrl+Shift+O, you don’t get the same ease of scrolling the results without tabbing through a bunch of junk first.

    There are other reasons, including neurological ones surely, but those are my primary justifications.

  • Yes! Bookmarks are for things I’ll need to reference again and again in the coming years. I do keep a tightly-curated bookmark collection, I just don’t want it clogged up with a bunch of stuff I can’t foresee needing in the long term.

    Tabs are for things I’m working on right now and don’t need bookmarking for the long term. And, for what it’s worth, most of the browser windows are custom-titled, so the windows themselves are a lot like bookmark folders, while the tabs are like temporary bookmarks.

    Plus, the ability to search through tabs by hitting Ctrl+Shift+A means that it ends up being faster to search through my tabs than my bookmarks, without using the mouse. ex: Ctrl+Shift+A, Type needed page, up/down arrows if needed, then hit enter to move to the tab. With Ctrl+Shift+O, you don’t get the same ease of scrolling the results without tabbing through a bunch of junk first.

    There are other reasons, including neurological ones surely, but those are my primary justifications.

  • I would genuinely like to see Edge open all 848 tabs I have hoarded over 61 Chrome windows. I wonder if it could do it faster than Chrome manages. After rebooting, Chrome reopens, with all my tabs intact, in about 5 minutes. Provided a sanitary shutdown, that is. It takes more like 15 minutes for it to become responsive again after a (rare) crash.

    Clearly I have lost control of my life.

    And yes, before you get on my case, I am working on switching back to Firefox after using Chrome for the last decade. It just takes a long time to pare down all these tabs.

  • Not to mention bumpers that fail right after the warranty expires! Can’t wait!

    Worst $180 I ever spent. My Xbox Elite Series 2 controller’s bumper died a week after my warranty expired. I’d barely had time to use it that year, and didn’t abuse it in any way. I have controllers from 2002 that still work flawlessly after thousands of hours of service. Somehow Microsoft figured out how the make the least durable, most expensive controller ever. Never again, MS. Never again. Fool me once, shame on you, fool me… you can’t get fooled again.