Queer transfem with an endless gaming backlog.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • Not the worst worst, but a story I feel is fitting.

    I still remember in high school a new guy transferred in one year and was just the worst person to interact with, I’ve ever met. He would verbally insult everyone he talked to, literally everyone. I had the displeasure of sitting next to him in one of my classes and it was just nonstop. Thankfully, I didn’t take it personally cause I saw he did it to everyone. It became more tiring after a while, to hear him speak, rather than feeling insulted.

    I remember a large number of us spoke out against him to the teachers, but I forget if anything came out of it.

  • I enjoy listening to these podcasts more for their entertainment value than just trying to get the best information.

    Podquisition - The hosts are very entertaining as they go over the games they’ve played as well as news in the industry. Laura also does a great job at reporting news leaks.

    What’s Good Games - Industry veterans who run a little too high energy go over gaming news as well as games they’ve played and often get hands-on impressions for upcoming titles.

    The Inverted Castle - Fun retrospectives on Metroidvania games of old.

    Square Roots - A Let’s Play on classic RPGs that goes into great detail on each game across multiple episodes featuring the hosts thoughts and opinions on the games as they play through each section together.