• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • This answer resonates. I am not nearly as detail oriented as I’d like to be on most topics, even though I can feel their placement, and reasoning. Alot of stuff I read everyday is brand new to me tbh and I really don’t know shit outside of a very few small areas, with a side of some basic human behavior through my experience. I guess that’s why we come together (: all pieces of the whole.

  • My view from my window(they gave me one of the big rooms all by myself, the only one with windows, ptsd i think) was OK. Middle of nowhere farm and small Appalachian Mt chain. We had to sneak onto a ps3 to use youtube lol. One night i was watching lighting rolling around the sky and hills thru my big window, laying on my back, reflecting off the ceiling. I cried so hard, it was beautiful.

    The rehab sucked. It really did. But I had so much fun. They tried to take our communal volleyball game over some bullshit and we flipped shit and got everyone riled up. We kept our fkn volleyball. …it was a state run rehab with everyone fresh out of jail. Never laughed so hard in my life.

    I’m almost 1.5 years clean from a decade+ run on fent and benzos. Wouldn’t trade my experiences for the world, but I’m glad I’m myself now. Things are still fucked up, and they’ll always be for me, but I’m working on it…

    It really is whatever you want it to be. Make it for yourself. <3

  • We lost another one. I’m glad I made it thru my addiction alive…something I never thought I’d say “I’m glad to be alive”. If any of you have people in your life who are in active addiction, theres not much you can do besides be there when it all falls apart. Don’t take their actions personally. They exist in a prison within themselves. They do feel guilty, and probably want to die most days. Sending my love for all my people ✌️

  • The latest anime that wowed me was to your Eternity, especially if your into Eastern philosophy and stuff.

    Hells paradise also wowed me as a straight battle Shonen that is quite beautiful, with lots of spiritual themes.

    One Piece holds a special place in my heart. Watch up until time skip, then read manga.

    Vinland Saga is amazing. Straight up. Great study of politics and humans search for power and inner peace.

    For the record I consider HxH and FMA:b to be Shonen high water marks.