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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • It’s fun for what it is. It has a very positive community. Lower level players are always gifted high level armor and weapons from vets when they see them. If you do decide to play, you can do most of the game and quests solo. That’s how I did it and it felt more or less like a regular fallout game. You should do the events even though you’re not prepared for them. High level players will make it so you pretty much don’t have to do anything and that’s where you’ll get your highest level rewards.

    The card perk system is different and overwhelming at first. Basically good some good builds and pick one or two that fit your play style. Then you’ll know what to focus on.

    My buddy for me into it a few years ago. It was fun for what it was, but it’s not GOTY or anything.

  • I think I have both your problems solved. If money isn’t an issue the bureaucracy is a nuisance but not inhibiting as you can pay someone to file all the appropriate paperwork. The language barrier is even easier. I have been to Denmark, Norway, Sweden, and Finland and did not meet a single person that didn’t fluently speak English. Not saying they don’t exist, but operating in most any western European country is very easy as an English speaker. Also you’ll pick up the language over time. Immersion is the best way to learn a language, or so I hear.

  • Just cancelled my prime subscription today. It was set to renew on Friday. I’ve been with prime for close to 10 years.

    I don’t see any value. The price has nearly doubled since originally signing up. The free two day shipping was nice but more and more 2 days is 3-4 and I can get free shipping anyway on any order over $35 without prime so I’ll just build up my cart and be patient or order from another place.

    The video content was nice but they’re fucking joking if they think I’m going to watch ads or pay $3 more per month to not have ads. I can easily pirate most content including live sports and they’re making it far less convenient to be part of their ecosystem.

    I get my books from the library and store my photos locally.

    The literal only downside i see is my buddy won’t get his twitch prime subscription from me every month so I guess I’m costing him like $2/month but he’s got several hundred so he’ll do without.

  • I agree with you but there are more ethical ways to eat meat while also saving money. Last year my wife and I purchased 1/4 of an entire cow from a farm about 35 miles north of us (friends and family bought the other 3/4). This cow was responsibly raised, grass fed, on a small, local farm. We received 200 pounds of meat with probably a dozen different cuts of meat. This includes dozens of pounds of excellent steak and the meat is simply amazing. We will definitely be going this route moving forward as we averaged the price per pound to ~$4/lb which is far less than the local grocery.

    I understand this isn’t possible for everyone as we also had to purchase a chest freezer which requires space but has made our grocery bill far smaller and the meat we are eating much better in many ways.

  • My wife bakes, reads, and does pilates.

    I’m lazy so I play video games and drink. Though I’ve reduced the booze intake and tried reading at least 1 book every 8 weeks. I’m also trying to be more consistent at the gym 2-3x per week instead of 2-3 times per month which inadvertently became the norm the past few years.

    We both like board games, puzzles, and a good binge of a show we both like. Also sex.