• 41 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 21st, 2023


  • I’d say collectively the genre of black metal. In 2004 most black metal acts were still doing the same kind of lo-fi DIY “buzzsaw in a garbage can” style that had been popular throughout the 90s. You could find artists who were starting to get more creative with it, but you really had to look hard sometimes.

    Don’t get me wrong, I still love old school black metal, but when that’s all there is it starts to all sound alike after awhile.

    Now it seems like every time I hear a new black metal release people have really started pushing the genre WAY past a bunch of white guys in corpse paint singing about how depressed they are lol! Now there’s tons of interesting electronic bands, lots of crossover bands, lots of avant garde artistic stuff, lots of stuff from different countries all over the world all adding their own unique sounds… It’s just really refreshing to hear a genre that was notoriously strict become something so much bigger and better