• 7 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • Current system seems like capitalists dream of underpaying employees as much as possible and having the narrative pass the blame to be between customers and workers.

    And even better that workers will argue against actually being guaranteed a higher salary in favor of this system on the off chance they might get more. Sort of like gamblers who get off the high of that one big win. Either way, the shift away from having to pay full salaries and benefits is cause for celebration for owners, since they love that it’s more likely they don’t get blamed and instead the customer when the owner has enough money to take home profits and live well instead of struggling like their employees being paid the bare minimum.

    It’s pretty much the absolute ideal situation for them. No blame and lower expenses. And most wonderful part of it all is workers being expected to cover the salaries of other workers as opposed to the people at top, so they continue to win in every facet.

  • Game would $100 but the same as they are now. Could be $200 and it’d be the same as they are now and still have mtx, since why would a company leave the option to get more money. Few companies operate with the approach of this is enough money we are content.

    And games have only gotten worse if you are looking at triple a titles the same way someone might say movies have gotten worse because they think high budget super hero movies are the only ones that exist.

    If the market could sustain $100 it would be, but barrier to making and releasing games has never been lower. So consumers would just move to alternative games that are cheaper or old titles they haven’t gotten around to. And worst of all to these comlanies the top sellers aren’t always these high budget titles, but some indie title that’s not even 3d. Then there’s game pass people would just turn to if game prices went up moving more people to subscription.