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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023

  • I’m surprised advertisers don’t have much of a problem with it. Because it just makes me fucking despise whatever website I was tricked into going to.

    It would be like a sandwich shop hiring a guy to wear a sandwich costume and pass out flyers on their corner. Only, instead of just doing that, he forces you into the sandwich shop. Guaranteed I would be pissed and hate that place for life.

  • My boss has a morning meeting where we tell him what we’re working on for the day. And every Monday, this meeting is at 8:00 when my shift starts. I’m thankful my name makes me further down the list because I would be stumbling to get that.

    He’s a cool guy and not overly micromanager or anything, so it’s not a huge thing, but just reminded me seeing this meme.

  • I agree. I have a drink here and there on the weekends sometimes, but the normalization of getting hammered, blackout drunk is unhealthy. I’ve always thought it was “funny”, for lack of a better term, when online dating and seeing people who have a problem with people who do drugs, even marijuana or smoking cigarettes but their own profile is filled of pics of them with booze and their profile is jokes about getting drunk and alcohol being their personality.

    A little examination on this would benefit society.

  • It’s been a few years, but at my old job, there was this woman who came to do a training for us at our job. When all was said and done, I went to thank her personally for coming to do the training for us.

    Can’t remember how, but we found out that she was 92 years old!! Not lying, she looked early 60’s at most! Me and the few people who stuck around were shocked and amazed and asked her questions.

    She told us that she was currently retired but she still loved the field so she would do trainings for a little pay here and there. She told us that she was a nurse in World War II. She didn’t go into too much detail but that was really awesome to meet someone in person who could say that. Not every day you meet someone from that time period or directly experienced the war, especially as an adult, no less.

    I asked her her “secret” to getting to her incredible age. She said she hadn’t had an alcoholic drink since she was 22 years old.

    I’ll never forget that woman. I always think of her when I see alcohol and contemplate my life, to be truthful.

  • I feel the same.

    I have a ton of equity in my house, but my house was overpriced when I bought it. It’s depressing thinking that I am “fortunate” among my peers to own a home.

    I ranted to my mom and some older family members and none of them get my frustrations. Seeing the mobile home from 1974 down the street on the market for half a million is depressing and angering. Seeing million dollar homes were once bought for $250,000 10 years ago is angering and depressing.

    I just wanted a nice home in the suburbs and live a boring life. But all I could afford and didn’t get outbid on was a home built shortly after WWII ended and incredibly small. My monthly mortgage is “low” as is my interest rate. But rent is outrageous and not at all fair or reasonable.

    The ratio is way off compared to 20 years ago, for income to housing costs.

    I want to cash out my equity, but then I’m just going to have to start all over again, compete against “investors” who offer outrageous amounts for homes, and have to have an insane interest rate.

  • I found out about GOG because I was looking for a really old game and found it in a torrent. The torrent mentioned it came from GOG and I checked it out and ended up buying the game from there.

    The game is Mob Rule and I got it well after its original release but this was still some time ago I happened to pick it up at Big Lots when they used to have obscure PC games. It was a ton of fun but I lost the CD and couldn’t find the game anywhere, not even torrents, for many years until one year I searched for it again and found it.

    Very thankful to GOG for bringing it back and giving me the chance to have it digitally now so I will be less likely to lose it again. Thats what game preservation is about!

  • It’s absolutely bonkers for Microsoft to even consider that paying $99 or $199 for their ad ridden software is fair and reasonable. If you’re going to bombard me with ads, the shit better be free. You can’t have it both ways. Ads are riddled in the OS whether it be in the Start Menu, notifications area, File Explorer, Microsoft Edge, and even other paid products like Microsoft Office.

    It’s so fucking frustrating seeing shit like Candy Crush being forcefully installed onto a system you paid for, especially when it’s supposed to be the “Pro/Enterprise” tier. Windows is a fucking joke and they deserved to have people using this exploit to get “free” activated copies of their OS.

    Hopefully this is just another thing that pushes people to other OSes, whether that be Linux or macOS. Just get the hell away from Microsoft and take some of that monopoly power from under them little by little.

  • I have some flowers that have done this every year in a pile of rocks I have in my backyard. Every rainy season, they spring up right in the center of those rocks and they are some of the most beautiful flowers I’ve ever seen. It’s always sad to see them go when the rainy season ends.

  • The agency that oversaw our operations was overly lenient towards them and their behaviors. Their usual go-to was “that behavior is why they’re in your program”.

    It was really shitty sometimes the way they just let things slide. And we got paid for each of them being in our program, so higher ups didn’t always want to let go of unruly clients, especially those with really bad behaviors because we’d be paid more to keep them in the program because of those outrageous behaviors.

    The most we could do was separate him from me. I couldn’t even suspend him. But I think the bigger thing was him knowing I could never lay a finger on him for the way he would try to touch me. If he had grabbed my groin and I smacked his hand away, I would be the one who would get in trouble. He would just keep going and they would add it to his list of behaviors to work on.

    Some clients even had made up stories of abuse and that was enough to let someone go. The only thing that would save the caretaker is if the client had had a history of making similar fabrications and/or the allegation could be proven false like video evidence or something. I remember people being fired purely for accusations that couldn’t be proven or disproven and the person crying innocence. It’s a really shitty thing to happen. You kind of understand and sympathize with the decision, knowing that you don’t want an actual abuser in your midst, but also realizing that some of these people in our care do lie and you’re taking away someone’s ability to feed their family strictly based on hearsay. You’d think people would find better ways of dealing with these situations, but it felt more like they preferred taking the easy route of just terminating someone and being done with the situation.

    I can remember another time when a client had accused us of not feeding her. Despite 4 other clients living in the same home and none of them making similar complaints, the overseeing agency sent someone down to investigate. And the woman they sent to investigate had a personal vendetta against me for some reason, always out to get me and I have no idea why. So she opens the refrigerator and freezer and sees it filled with food but writes in her report that the lying client was correct in her accusation. That led to a meeting with one of the executives in the agency overseeing us calling me a liar in front of everyone in the meeting. Someone had taken a picture of the refrigerator but didn’t send me the picture in time so I could use it in defense of myself, so I sat there listening to them berate me about a false accusation. Before this, I had developed a really high reputation in the agency and lots of people knew me as someone who worked hard and treated the clients well and with respect. Now my name had been drug through the mud because of one false accusation.

    I was miserable at the end of working there and was eternally glad to be able to escape it all. That agency being a big reason for a lot of the issues I experienced.

  • At my last job, I worked a few different roles working with adults with developmental disabilities, some with extreme behavior problems. I have lots of stories to share.

    One such one was a time when someone ran into my office and was telling me about one of our clients getting stabbed. We followed protocol, separated them, provided aid, called cops, etc.

    The way I was told it happened was that the two of them got into an argument over basketball. Then one of them grabs a pencil and fucking stabs the other in the thigh with the pencil.

    I remember the cops rolling up and one cop had a shotgun and cocked it as he walked into our gates. It really wasn’t that serious. We got it all under control right after it happened.

    I’ve been punched, kicked, and even spit on there. I was also sexually assaulted on numerous times by an older skinny guy. I don’t think he was gay, I think he knew I couldn’t do anything about it and got his kicks off that. He’d grab my butt and tried grabbing my groin over top of my pants sometimes.

    I do not miss that fucker one bit.

    On a more positive note, I remember some of the more happier times I had. I used to take the guys around the city and lots of places they had never gone before. I wasn’t supposed to, but I didn’t care as long as I was doing stuff they enjoyed and made them enjoy their 8 hours with us. That’s all that mattered to me. One of the guys still asks about me to this day, and I haven’t worked with him in over 10 years. But he was really shy when he first came to the program and we welcomed him in our crew and made sure he always felt apart of everything we did. The other guys took note and even defended him on some occasions when someone would make fun of him. That’s probably my highlight of working there.