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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • I don’t know if I’d call it a mass exodus, and I don’t know that it directly has anything to do with Lemmy, but there’s been a noticeable dip in quality. Fewer posts across many of the front page subreddits, fewer votes, more bot posts, more low effort posts, less discussion in comment sections, lots of deleted comments and accounts… overall there just seems to be a dip in quality.

    I was going to delete, but decided to stick around for a while first, to see how things pan out, and I’ve got to say the mobile site is even worse than expected. I get constant pop ups trying to direct me to download the app, then when I say no the website will auto reload, often sending me back to the top of the page. It’s difficult to find and respond to anyone who replies to your comments, and sometimes if you sort by top: today it won’t even show any posts. Just… blank. Clicking on a post opens it as a tab that is more like a popup, and closing it resets where you were on the page.

    I could keep going but I think that pretty much summarizes what I’ve noticed. Don’t know that it’s directly related to a Lemmy “exodus,” and I’m still finding my way around here so I can’t really say, but reddit as we knew it seems pretty dead.

  • I’m not sure I’d assign any intrinsic value to the comics, though I do enjoy them. But yes, there are many artists whose work I still enjoy despite knowing they’re a shitty person.

    I just don’t think it’s a great idea to then give these artists tacit support by creating a Reddit/Tumblr/Lemmy community solely for them.

    I made the first comment after seeing someone else in this thread refer people to a community for this artist. He doesn’t need the ego boost. Let him fade into obscurity along with every other misogynist who hides behind religion (as if that weren’t, in and of itself, an immediate “tell.”) Let his name pop up in the occasional comment section only for people to go “who?”

    I don’t even know if he’s still making these comics, but he definitely still has an online presence that he has previously used to advocate for the removal of women’s rights. Let that be his legacy. Start a community devoted to figuring out how a sentient festering anal polyp could ever possibly create something so cute and innocent.

    The comics will live on without him.

  • PagingDoctorLove@lemmy.worldtocats@lemmy.worldRespect
    1 year ago

    I have to respect the fact that he doesn’t think I deserve bodily autonomy? I disagree. People can and do have harmful beliefs. They are harmful because they shape the way that person views and interacts with others, within the confines of a social structure. If he wants to go off grid and not benefit from any social services, I’ll help him pack the moving truck myself. But he’s not going to, which means he’s benefiting from rights, laws, and services that are meant to protect everyone, even people who he doesn’t think deserve them.

    Pro-life individuals are so insidious, they managed to have a basic human right rescinded in more than half the country.

    Was he solely responsible for overturning Roe v. Wade? Of course not. Did he directly impose his opinion on anyone else? Maybe, maybe not. We only have his word to go on, and I’m sorry but that’s not worth shit.

    My point is, he’s not just sitting there twiddling his thumbs either, he’s using his platform to publicly support big institutions (March for Life) that work diligently behind the scenes to oppress women.

    Like I said, I enjoy the comics. They’re cute and funny and I don’t get the vibe that he’s using them to be preacy about abortion. But he is 100% a shitty person with offensive, harmful beliefs and no, I do NOT have to respect that.

  • PagingDoctorLove@lemmy.worldtocats@lemmy.worldRespect
    1 year ago

    I love the Strange Planet cartoons, but just FYI the author, Nathan Pyle, is unapologetically pro-life, publicly engages in some really harmful rhetoric surrounding women’s reproductive rights, and refuses to listen to scientifically irrefutable facts regarding abortion, just because he and his wife are Christian. He says they vote Democrat anyways because they’re “troubled by what the republican party has become.” But somehow I really really doubt that. I wouldn’t be surprised if they supported the dismantling of Roe v. Wade under the guise of freedom of religious beliefs. The odds of them believing in the separation of church and state while simultaneously attending events like the March for Life are slim to none.

  • That’s why I called it a poorly kept secret. It’s a specific corner of the industry and anyone who has worked in it is probably well aware. But I think people in the industry definitely try to keep their behavior secret from customers, the big bosses, and outsiders in general. Are they successful in keeping things under wraps? Depends a lot on the who, what and where. But regardless, I’ve met many people who’ve never worked these types of service jobs, and think shows/movies like Waiting, Party Down, The White Lotus, Shameless etc, are exaggerations.

    In my experience (at 5 or 6 different restaurants/bars in 1 college town and 1 tourist trap) they are not.

    The only show I can think of that’s obviously exaggerated, imo, is It’s Always Sunny. But that’s just because of the characters. If you strip an episode down to the plot points (trying to get on welfare/foodstamps to subsidize your slacker lifestyle, unhealthy rivalries with other bars/service employees, low standards re: job performance, constantly drinking on the job, etc) I’d say that it’s pretty accurate as well.

  • Oh yeah, I personally don’t follow certain “best by” dates, I absolutely hate food waste. The sketchy part would be if it’s happening in the factory itself. That’s the one place where those kinds of rules and regulations matter most. If they’re not throwing out the bad food at the source, that creates many more opportunities for spoilage and contamination before the food even reaches the consumer.

    However, I know some restaurants also have frozen food brands, and vice versa (Like Marie Callenders, TGI Fridays, etc,) so if there’s a Bob Evans restaurant doing this somewhere I’m oddly much less alarmed. I just have never heard of a Bob Evans restaurant before.

  • There have been plenty of movies and shows based on this so I guess I’m more confirming a poorly kept secret than I am revealing it, but;

    If you go out to eat in a college town (esp if it’s a state school,) there’s a good chance that almost every employee (managers, bartenders, servers, you name it) is drinking or smoking pot out back, if not in the middle of an active bender. We’d fill our water bottles with alcohol, make food for our stoner friends in exchange for drugs, take shots in the walk-in fridge, roll on Molly while cooking, run out back to puke, and rally for the rest of our shift. After closing we’d meet up with other industry friends, usually at a bar where one of them was still working, close that place down, then pair off and hook up in questionable places.

    I’ve had sex on restaurant rooftops and patios, in supply closets, behind the stacked pallets in dry storage, and in the manager’s office. I witnessed others get it on in booths, on top of the video poker machines, and even on the bar itself. Thankfully never where food was prepared, but that was pretty much the only thing that was off limits, and only within my social circle. I can’t speak about others.

    I’m a boring elder millennial now, but every once in a while I reminisce about working in the service industry. I don’t think I appreciated how much freedom I had, I was too busy worrying about money, school, and relationships. I definitely wouldn’t do it again, but I’m glad I got to sow my oats, or whatever.