• 4 Posts
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: August 26th, 2023


  • This ruling was made for trump.

    Think of how much trump has done, legally, questionably legal, and illegal, while in office.

    Now remove accountability for any of it while ignoring the virtually Sisyphean task already faced to prosecute what he’s (and those surrounding him have) already done, and we have yet to see any sufficiently deterrent sentence being passed.

    Now also imagine the arguing over what constitutes “official” acts, you bet your ass that one side is going to be perfectly happy to “officially” let trump shoot someone on 5th avenue.

    This strips trump and those like him of the merest inconvenience of facing charges when they leave office. If they leave office.

    It’s potentially disastrous on multiple levels.

  • Most intrusive?

    It think it’s probably a relatively common one: you’re at height, with access to the precipice, and your brain starts entertaining the possibility of jumping. Nothing compelling about it, in fact my rational brain always tells the stupid part “WTF, bro…” but nonetheless, the thought exists.

    Occasional other random thoughts pop in to my head on rare occasion, but for some reason the “jump” one is the most common and the most irritating.

  • I’ll also offer the “sameness” of everything at malls. Let’s say you want jeans. There’s five shops that carry jeans. You want “normal” jeans, iow, not torn, not bleached, etc. Each shop carries jeans, but they are all some version of torn, worn, bleached, etc. For all the variety, they’re all the same.

    Plus, mall overhead and branding makes the shops quite often more expensive than you might find at something like a Target or even a Kohls.

    I’ve found that taking my kids to the mall to check out clothing we more often than not buy nothing despite visiting a half dozen shops. It’s all variations of the same thing along with being designer pricing.

  • Is it any better than the people that screenshot instagram or Facebook to share on other social media? I’m not a fan of the low-effort share, all these platforms’ users are low-effort and rip off each other’s work to re-re-re-share it everywhere. I don’t see people here being too much different or Reddit content being any more objectionable than the rest.

  • I understand there’s a right way to do it, but allow me to assure that the two murky trays behind this bar were not acceptable by any means. I didn’t want to get too graphic, but glasses went from the customer hand, a quick slosh and a rub in liquids that would make any civilized health department shriek, wiped “dry” with a filthy rag that had just wiped the bar top, filled with the next drink and handed to the next customer.

    This is the kind of stuff where you see it in a movie like so: the scoundrel hero walks into a dive bar in the spaceport, orders a drink, the camera makes sure you see the pustulent, greasy alien clean the vessel using the above process. The alien pours a questionable liquid into it, and slides it to the observing hero who has been keeping a stone-faced expression but for a hint of discomposure as he receives the drink. After the briefest pause in frame to let you know he questions what he is about to do, he downs the beverage. You can’t help but cringe along with the hero and think licking the alien might have been safer.

    (Am not comparing or suggesting Montenegrins are in any way shape or form like the hypothetical alien)