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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: September 20th, 2023


  • It’s insane to me that I can click on a video that was posted by a creator with under 10k subscribers, less than 15 minutes ago, and it already has dozens of votes for submitted segments.

    And some videos, people go waaaaay out for segments, little 2 second skips for subscribe reminders, while blocks rendered down into 5 types of segments so depending on your settings, you might get some of it, or you might get just the meat of the content with no fluff or filler.

    I LOVE the “interaction” skip on some content creators, because they like to address the audience unnecessarily trying to drive comment interaction up. I totally get why they do that, and I respect their decision, but I also have no intention of commenting on 90% of videos, so asking “what do YOU think? Head down to the comments and…” will get nothing from me, but might from someone else. And now I can skip those.

    Re/vanced and now this have been the best things about YouTube since like 2007.

  • The only reason we don’t have mechanized suits fighting in a titanium octagon is the cost vastly outweighs the potential income.

    It’s entirely possible, entirely impractical, and while it looks super fucking cool to have a small mech suit you can walk around in, the cost will make any damages prohibitively expensive.

    So basically right now it’s nothing more than a toy, and ultimately it’s not really trying to be. It’s not a demo, and “proof of concept” is even pushing it. Like you said, the designers said basically the same thing.

    It’s basically telling a WWE fan that the whole thing isn’t real and the wrestlers drama stories aren’t true. They know. They don’t care. It’s entertainment for entertainments’ sake.

    We know it’s not practical… But come on… points gundam suit.

  • I’ve always found it hilarious when people try to point at a person’s shitty past as evidence to say their own actions are somehow okay or not that bad.

    Has the US committed genocide on a national scale? Ask the native Americans who are ALLOWED to stay on broken down, often desolate reservations, and the literal millions of Buffalo slaughtered for the sole purpose of taking away their food supply to starve them out.

    But that doesn’t for a second excuse other countries doing similar things. We know how fucked up that is, we’re not the same country we were 150 years ago. We’re not even the same country we were 15 years ago.

    I know YOU aren’t saying the US can’t talk about things like that, but it’s often seen “but WHAT ABOUT blah blah blah” and your comment reminded me of it. You’re probably right though, a lot of people in the US don’t like talking about those things, and REALLY don’t like it when you point out their own country has done many of the things we supposedly fight against. Hopefully it’s been a long time since those things happen, but all too often you see it happening in some small way still today.

  • My last ISP decided your address every 24 hours unless you had an active internet connection (currently up/downloading).

    Given I used to run servers for friends on different games, it was super annoying.

    Honestly i think I’d prefer that now. Last year I got a notice about Capcom complaining of piracy. My wife and I are the only ones who even use our internet, it’s a hidden network and our nearest neighbor is 1/4 mile down the road on one side, and about 2 miles on the other. I haven’t played a Capcom game since my sister and I used to play RE5 when it first came out. So tell me, Capcom. If you’re so insistent it was me, and I know it wasn’t, who was it then? By their logic, I’m already guilty because I pay for the service.

  • I found out that basically everything you need to steal my entire identity was stolen from a medical company in the last few weeks.

    I immediately called them to ask why it took them so long to notify me, when I had already been contacted two months ago by the class action lawsuit against them FOR THE BREACH THEY JUST TOLD ME ABOUT

    It happened in February.

    “luckily” I have credit monitoring because of a DOD data breach that compromised military personnel data, and all my important information is being monitored. They found an old credit card number in a data dump on a dark web site. I don’t trust their service 100% but it seems to be adequate. I’ve had to change a few passwords here and there and straight up deleted some accounts over repeated breaches.

  • I vaguely remember a TV movie from like… 2006 where some kind of solar storm /coronal mass ejection thing happens right as some hacker was trying to “HEY EVERYONE THIS SYSTEM IS VULNERABLE AND YOU SHOULD DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT BEFORE A BAD GUY TAKES CONTROL” type hack of the electrical grid, and the combination of the hack and solar radiation causing most of the US power grid to shut down

    I haven’t seen anything in real life to convince me the power gris isn’t a prince ruperts drop that only works because it’s never been shut down all at once before, and once it does that tail shatters and takes the rest with it.

    In fact, living near a power substation that supplies a couple major things for a nearby city, I’m convinced the only reason there hasn’t been a massive attack against it is because people just assume it’s well protected.

  • But won’t you think of the poor oppressed billionaires who own the weapons development and production who will have to suffer through 0.000021% reduction in profit if you were to STEAL their money by doing reprehensible things like feeding the starving, housing the homeless, and caring for the sick?

    What are you, some kind of degenerate who likes to HELP PEOPLE?

    In case anyone is still confused, fuck the rich, vote for people who want to help those who need help, volunteer and/or donate to shelters and kitchens if you can.