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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • loud, obnoxious entitled complainers

    loud, obnoxious entitled complainers

    You Had it right there. Just use that.
    yes: it’s wordy. But it is on topic. And it will never fall out of meaning or relevance. Because it’s practically a dictionary description.

    This is what communication is. It relays your actual meaning with clarity.

    loud, obnoxious entitled complainers can’t wriggle of it with side arguments and assumptions about your narrative of the situation . They don’t take offence to it for the reason you think they are taking offence to it. They are taking offence to the blatant sexism you think you just got away with. And you’re making them look right when they point it out. So using ‘Karen’ as an insult is doing more damage to you than anyone you think you’re describing. Same could also be said about ‘cunt’ too. It just sounds like you’re trying to be an edgy 12 yr old gamer who just discovered the ‘n’ word and have become obsessed about it for no other reason than to push buttons. You can come up with all the Aussie backstory you want about it but then it turns into a story about you struggling to not look bad. It’s no longer about the loud, obnoxious entitled complainers. If anything, shorthand is false economy when you have to spend 40 more words to explain yourself on what you could have done with just 4.

  • you should see what the eczema community put up with. Essentially it’s a community of just talking each other out of committing suicide because of how much pain they live with every day and the entire medical industry has failed them so miserably by dismissing them.

    “Try the elimination diet” is the best they are given with absolutely no “why” or extension to find a better solution to allergies than either avoid the triggers (if you’re even lucky enough to find out what they are) or try a life threatening injection if your allergy gets severe.

    Then you have the celiac community and what they have to put up with doctors: “eat gluten for 3 weeks without killing yourself so I can diagnose that you actually are intolerant to gluten”. The community has lovingly referred to this now as “the gluten challenge”…… which the medical community went as far as to take offence to the name. I wish empathy was taught as part of the curriculum for being a doctor.

  • The Roiland DV case is very different from the depp/heard defamation case.

    1: the Roiland case was about whether or not he was found to be committing DV. and it was inconclusive evidence. He might not be found guilty but he’s also not found innocent.

    2: His accuser was not to be found guilty of perjury. the case was about finding evidence of DV. Not perjury of his accuser. the depp/heard case was explicitly about what heard gave to the media is what she was found guilty of.

    3: Roiland and his accuser didn’t sign a non-disparagement claus. and his accuser didn’t then go talk to Washington post without any conclusive evidence on the outcome of the case. And probably a good thing roiland didn’t sign such a non-disparagement claus as he did post misinformation meant to publicly harm his accuser with that misleading Twitter post about what his case was actually about.