Our News Team @ 11 with host Snot Flickerman

  • 6 Posts
Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: October 24th, 2023


  • I think you’re focusing on what really amounts to a bad nickname for the generation that obviously is Generation Y. (Gen X, Millennials, Gen Z, I wonder what letter was left out??)

    Secondly, a millennium is a thousand years. Are you saying the previous thousand years (1000-1999) don’t count as a millennium that millennials… existed in?

    Thirdly, it’s the change from one new millennium to another that people were excited about, no one gives a shit about the before or after. It’s simply excitement about the changeover. In 2024, no one gives a shit that we’re living in the “new millennium.” The song goes “let’s party like it’s 1999” not “let’s party like its 2001” or “let’s party like it’s 1981.”

    Finally, last I checked, humans tend to celebrate things before they come to pass, kind of like how walking for graduation comes before finals. We celebrate New Years Eve all night leading up to the New Year. New Years is over when the new year has actually begun. Nobody celebrates on January 1st.

    So literally no one born in the new millennium gives a shit about it being a new millennium. Only people born before it cared or would care.

  • I like this interpretation but last I checked the vegans aren’t going to vote for a despot who will kill all non-vegans, and that they don’t view the death of all non-vegans as a positive thing. (Most vegans I know are keenly aware they can only participate in veganism because of modern agricultural, distribution, and economic systems. They know veganism is an elitist choice that a lot of the world cannot make.)

    I think that’s the major difference here.

  • Pretending death is absolutely anything else other than what it really is. I don’t want to take that aspect away from anyone.

    I do, because choosing to believe in a comforting lie is what leads us to despots killing anyone who is different. There’s a direct line between the two.

    Donald Trump is a comforting lie that a strong man (like God, the ultimate strongman) can come in and just “fix things” because it’s easier to believe that than do the hard work of understanding how complex and confusing our world is. That’s where we’re at, the comforting lies appeal to humanity more than cold truth and it’s going to fucking kill us all.

    Sorry, humans need to get the fuck over themselves with this not being able to handle death shit or wake up to our own extinction. Eternal life, reincarnation, it’s every flavor of stupid.

  • Despite the claimed ostensible “good” Religion can supposedly bring…

    We’re literally in the middle of a mass extinction event and facing our own extinction and belief in this religious horseshit precludes people from caring or believing in man-made disaster.

    We’re literally facing our own extinction because these people can’t be fucked to face up to reality instead of playing cult games of “but I’ll have everlasting life after death so who cares what happens to the planet!”

    I don’t give one flying fuck what “good” it can do for an individual, it’s going to be the downfall of human fucking civilization.

    Whatever “good” it brings is destroyed and overshadowed by the cult like behavior that would worship corrupt figures like Donald Trump and who choose to live in a false reality simply because it is more comforting.

  • A real relationship isn’t rooted in sex. It’s a nice bonus, but when you’re both old and grey, you better damn well hope you have more in common than just fucking since fucking is out of the question.

    Sex is a nice bonus for people who like it and who have partners who are sexually giving and kind, but the majority of human relationships are rooted in everything outside of sex so you’re already doing right by focusing on the rest.

    Sex is a footnote in life, compared to actually needing to know, understand, and care for your partner.

    Also, just because you’re not motivated by sex doesn’t mean you can’t have it. I have a friend who likes sex, but is basically a practicing celibate because he has no interest in pursuing it. If it happens, he’ll enjoy it, but he’s not sex-driven, it doesn’t drive his decision making, so it doesn’t happen very often.