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Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • I agree the context makes the entire existence of a siege unusual here, I’m just pointing out that water and food deprivation have been used as tools of war for forever. The language used in the article—the “weaponization of water”—is meant to put a shiny new coat of paint on something ancient and make people think this is some new diabolical tactic Israel has invented on its own and that no one prior to them was barbaric enough to think of it. That’s what’s garbage journalism here.

    Again, not defending Israel, just trying to point out sensationalist manipulative tactics on the part of this media outlet.

  • In the paragraph the HBS draws attention to, Gessen wrote that “ghetto” would be “the more appropriate term” to describe Gaza, but the word “would have drawn fire for comparing the predicament of besieged Gazans to that of ghettoized Jews. It also would have given us the language to describe what is happening in Gaza now. The ghetto is being liquidated.”

    Not taking sides here, but it does seem to me like Gessen’s phrasing was deliberately provocative towards those who might be offended by their comparison. I’m left thinking, “I mean, if you kick a beehive, don’t be surprised if you get stung.”

  • The niece is really good about finding ways to entertain herself and the nephew will always try and take it for himself and intrude, usually not in a compromising sort of way. Obviously, this is pretty typical kid behavior overall.

    I think this is your core problem, really. Who is policing your younger nephew’s behavior in this regard? Even at that age, being able to accept limits without losing your temper is important. Maybe offering him an alternative activity as a distraction would help? Younger siblings often want to be involved in whatever their older sibling is doing, so there’s an element of normalcy to your nephew’s behavior certainly, but it’s also not acceptable and that needs to be communicated clearly to him. He needs to have ways to entertain himself when his big sister isn’t available or at the very least learn to not take over any activity she engages in.