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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • Sir, you have taken my words and misconstrued them to make me appear foolish. To that I say… Touché.

    So let’s get extremely technical and a little petty.

    If we only count movies with the title “The Mummy” then we have:

    The Mummy (1911) The Mummy (1932) The Mummy (1959) The Mummy (1999) The Mummy (2017)

    I propose that because you immediately suggested that the “remake” I was referring to was the 1999 film and was immediately precided by the “original” then you are MISTAKEN!!!

    That would mean that you believed the 3rd movie in this list was actually the “original”. How utterly foolish of you. I laugh at your expense. Ha ha ha.

    But seriously, I grew up loving the 1999 Mummy movie and I refuse to see the newest one.

  • Look man, i get that you’re probably a diehard Apple fanboy, but you’re really missing the point.

    Fact 1 - Microsoft openly supported a multi-button mouse and offered it to you. PCs that were budled with Microsoft windows came with a 2 button mouse. They trusted their users to understand how it worked.

    Fact 2 - Apple supported mutli-button mice but refused to bundle it with their computers until 2005 because they didn’t trust that users were smart enough to use it.

    These 2 facts lead back to the original point. That PC makers trusted their users were smart enough, and Apple didn’t. That Apple only relented when they were proven wrong that people could very easily use and understand a multi-button mouse. That they were late to the party to bundle it with their computers.

    Prove me wrong on either if the 2 facts.

    And the “walled garden” is an ethos which has dictated all of Apples choices. They want to have full control over what us done on their hardware and software. It has merit to our conversation.

    And honestly, your arguments will never change the fact that Apple’s approach to hardware and software has been a deterrent to user for decades.

  • I already admitted that you were correct about Apple supporting a multi-button mouse. What you’re missing us the fact that they didn’t want you to have one until 2005. They made you buy a non brand mouse to do the job.

    Microsoft made their first mouse in 1983 to go with Word, and it had 2 buttons. Go back even further and Xerox had one with 3 buttons in 1981.

    The point stands that Apple purposefully chose to not bundle a multi-button mouse until 2005 becasue they didn’t respect their user base. Their walled garden approach to computers and software is great for people who are just need a PC or a Phone. But historically their not for developers or power users.