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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • When it comes to protesting like this I don’t really give a shit if someone paints over parts of a building. But the books themselves? That’s just fucked up. I understand they are trying to get people pissed over this but this is entirely the wrong way to do it. All this will do is make everyone pissed off at you instead. I’d say a good rule of thumb for protest graffiti is whether or not it can still be used after it’s been covered in paint. Graffiti on a wall doesn’t make the wall unusable. But if someone put graffiti on the windshield of my car I’d be so pissed off I wouldn’t give two shits about the message.

  • This is a very common thing outside the bubble that is the US. In fact, before COVID it was totally normal to see people wearing masks when they were sick in public places. A little strange to see, but still normal and nobody really cared. People didn’t give two shits back then versus now where they stick out like a sore thumb. Before you’d see someone wearing a mask and think “oh, they might be sick” and move on with your life before you even had a chance to put it into your long term memory. It’s not that it’s weird to wear a mask. It’s that everyone forgot that it used to not be weird at all. The fact that they are getting judged in the first place would seem completely ridiculous 5 years ago.

  • I wear one when I’m sick. Outside of places like the United States it’s actually very common to wear masks when you are sick. There used to not be a stigma about masks even in the US before COVID. This is because masks were never meant to be used as a way to prevent getting sick but as a way to not get others sick, therefore slowing the spread of disease. Somewhere over the past few years the lines got crossed and everyone started calling masks bullshit because they misinterpreted the actual use for them. Doctors don’t wear masks because they don’t want to get sick. They wear them so they don’t get their patients sick.

  • I’m a PC gamer and have been since I was a kid. It’s literally my number one thing I do when I have free time is get on some games and hang with the boys. It’s a big part of my life.

    As game companies go, I don’t trust Microsoft, EA, Ubisoft, Blizzard, Bethesda, Sony, Epic Games… It’s a long list. Valve is the only company I even kinda trust (Which isn’t even that much these days). If Microsoft bought Valve I’d probably never buy a PC game again. Because all the companies selling them would be companies I don’t wanna give money.

    But it’s not true that they were buying it so it’s a moot point. Just wanted to rant. :)

  • Not the scariest movie but Pitch Black. I was 7 and definitely didn’t help my fear of darkness very much. Pretty neat movie as an adult but definitely get flashbacks when I see it. Also the movie Signs. Was scared of it as a kid but as an adult I find that movie absolutely hilarious.

    But the worst is not a movie but a video game. I watched my brother play Resident Evil 2 when I was around the same age. I was absolutely terrified of zombies after that. Because of a few specific scenes in the game I refused to have my bed close any windows. Even at friends houses I’d rather sleep on the floor if the couch was too close to a window. That lasted until I was like 13. As an adult I still can’t bring myself to play that game. I love Resident Evil and horror games in general, but as soon as I hear the music for the main lobby of the police station in Resident Evil 2 I get so terrified I have to turn the game off. Maybe I’ll be able to play the remake…