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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 9th, 2023


  • Sounds like you have qmail at the root. I ran that with spamassassin, barracuda and some other custom rules for years. Didn’t add on the auto response you have described, but really liked it back in the day.

    Did I guess kinda close to what you have running?

    I’d think the annoying part would be that you’ve forced the work to prove they are human back on the sender. Might be a good way to go though given how much spam there is.

  • Reminds me of an apartment I used to live in where there was a completely open wifi with an open and shared RW hard drive from the root on the network. I left them a post it note and slipped a card under the door a week or so later without them making any change. Finally printed their resume to their own printer with added massive text in the middle saying something like “for your sake you need to stop sharing everything in the network!”

    It was gone within a day. In my head they unplugged it all in a panic. =)

  • That’s awesome. Reminds me of having to tell an SVP that yes, per his demand, I did take his request to keep sharing music online illegally at work. He didnt seem to accept that the legal letters the form received meant he needed to change anything.

    What could have been an ‘oh shit, my bad’ and noone has to know - turned into the entire leadership weighed in to direct me to delete the files and tools and be very clear he was putting his employment at risk.

    The poor man’s ego. He seemed to think the IT guy didn’t have the ability to speak to him like that. Even insisted I tell him in front of two of his staff as a power play

  • A couple come to mind

    The guy who ran a porn server from work. Was finally caught when the internet bill was huge and the cio and a tech tracked it through the network to his port. Waited until he walked away for a minute and when he came back found them on hands and knees about to pull the network cable from the server under his desk. Apparently he was making quite a bit off it too. His first words were ‘I’m fired, aren’t I?’

    A woman who lied constantly. She’d claim we built something other than what we were asked to make, and the only defense was to show her the email where she asked for exactly what she got. We learned to document everything with her.

    Funny side story. When I joined, all bright eyed and energetic, they assigned me to support her. No warning. I went on and created some software for her, only to get screamed at an blamed for made up reasons. I thought I was about to get fired… Turns out my team was kind of being assholes too. They all decided not to tell me anything to see if a fresh unbiased person had issues too.