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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • A tiny group within a population of over 2 million.

    Honestly what the fuck are comments like this supposed to mean? You think they deserve to be slaughtered, down to the last child, because of what a small extremist group form the same region did? You know half the people in Gaza are under 18?

    Do you think they all voted for this? Hamas took control after netanyahu created and funded them to destabilize the Gaza strip, this is a known fact that they’ve basically admitted. He made sure they were the only governing body that could e, ist so they could excuse anything they wanted to do to the gazans they keep in an open-air prison.

    I hope the FBI or whatever the equivalent in your country is keeps pro-genocide people like you on a watch list.

  • I do wonder how much the average people commenting would care if musk had nothing to do with this.

    It’s an issue, but it’s an issue scientists knew was coming for decades now. Starlink isn’t the only company putting satellites into low earth orbit. They aren’t the first and the amount of them will just keep coming.

    What we need is regulations and requirements for how many, what purpose, how they’ll be dealt with if something goes wrong and when they’re no longer needed, etc. Getting people to share satellites that are already there (when possible) and not putting up satellites that are redundant or don’t provide that much benefit versus non-satellite options or further orbit options will be important.

    But all these mindless circlejerkers only talking about musk and wanting starlink “taken down” are really polluting the topic with meaningless bullshit. It’s unfortunate people are bringing these mindless circlejerks over from reddit.

  • I’ve had to support both in my family, apple has consistently been more of a pain. They’re almost impossible to fix when they’d decide to start breaking or doing weird things. Every android is an easy fix, and no matter how bad they get there is always a fix. With apple after almost any point it’s “send it in and pay for a repair or buy a new one”, just like apple designs them to do.

  • I’d rather trust the devil I know than the devil that’s better at hiding it’s evil. Apple isn’t some amazing perfect company that cares about you. Almost everything they do is anti-user, they just do it in a way that apple-only users think is a bonus because they’ve been forced into apple only products already. Not to mention their idiotic pricing.

    If you think apple is somehow “trustworthy” or not just as “evil” as Google in any way you’ve let their marketing team fool you.

  • Exactly. And everyone is so ready to argue these days, that there are no discussions, only arguments. If you tried to say “maybe we should focus on the bad things billionaires do instead of dumb tweets” in response to a musk thread, people will simply respond “take musks dick out of your mouth boot licker” and similar insults. That’s not a hypothetical, that’s a near word for word example of how these circlejerks respond to literaly anything that doesn’t line up perfectly with the hivemind.

    I’m already seeing some of that on lemmy unfortunately. I hope some communities pop up with stronger moderation against this shit or I may just be done with social media for a while.

  • I love it so far. I’ve been a huge supporter for decentralization for a while now through blockchain tech so it’s great to see so many people finally seeing what makes decentralization as a concept so great.

    I just hope the apps keep developing at the speed they are because they are the part that is lacking the most right now. The experience is significantly better on PC right now. Even simple things like finding new communities is difficult on the apps I’ve tried so far.