• 59 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • Oh yeah? Why doesn’t Gaza import whatever they want through its airport or waterport?

    What fucking airport or “waterport”?? Israel have complete control over the borders of Gaza and thus full control over all imports and exports.

    Why doesn’t Gaza have a seat in the UN?

    Because it’s a part of Palestine, not a separate country.

    Why doesn’t Gaza have access to international banking systems?

    Because it isn’t allowed to by the Israeli occupation forces

    Nah buddy. You are living in Fantasyland

    Says the genocide apologist apparently arguing based on the delusional belief that Gaza is an independent country with no restrictions not placed by Hamas 🤦

    Did you hear about the Middle East for the first time on October 7th or are you just extremely susceptible to even the most obvious propaganda?

  • Protectionism is a valid reason to deny it

    No it isn’t. Protectionism is jingoist bullshit. Always has been, always will be.

    I wonder if denying Chinese tech under the guise of national security a last ditch attempt from big oil lobbyists?

    Definitely. The leadership of both major US parties are pretty much owned by the fossil fuel industries.

    Even progressives advocating for the Green New Deal won’t say the part about gradually eliminating fossil fuel use out loud out of fear of fossil fuel industry lobbyists and the politicians they own doing an AIPAC.

    Or is that too far fetched

    Not at all.