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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 12th, 2023


  • Yet when conservatives say they’re being silenced you call them crazy and snowflakes. When someone claims a group isn’t being silenced, you claim"you couldn’t know" This is the exact type of hypocrisy that keeps me and many others from acting more in line with other fellow liberals.

    Also you could know. If a group is loud and always being talked about and glorified, you can be pretty sure they aren’t being silenced which is the case with “sex work” In modern times people openly talk about it often, so there’s clearly no silencing. We aren’t living in the 1950’s anymore.

  • I think the problem here is often not the ideology, but the way people go about it. I’m left-wing but I basically can’t stand to talk to other left-wingers about politics as they’re so sanctimonious, disrespectful, and hypocritical online. So the problem isn’t that a platform is left-wing, but rather that there’s left-wingers on it if you follow that logic. Please note I said if you follow the logic, not if you agree with it…before I get dog-piled on for saying something non-flattering about liberals.

  • Where I live it’s largely the same though on facebook marketplace and not on instagram. Counterfeit money, weapons (which are almost completely illegal where I live, even basic non-lethal things like pepper spray and tasers) and more than anything prostitution. The thing is, these are “sponsored ads” which are all supposedly screened and approved manually. Also you can report them and Facebook won’t take them down.

    Before someone suggests it cause I’ve seen this response a couple times in this thread already: No, I am not searching those things or related products on Facebook or elsewhere on the web.

    Also Met’s estimate that only 1 out of every 2000 ads violates their policy is straight up laughable. There’s no way they themselves believe that. I would say at least 25% of the ads I see are of this nature. Literally dozens a day.

  • I don’t agree at all. Mods are good at self-aggrandizing…but I remember reddit before it was chock full o power mods and it wasn’t really like that. Also I’ve been a mod and there wasn’t that much objectionable content that needed to be removed. Seems like being a mod these days is setting up a bot, doing nothing, then complaining about how hard your “job” is. Oh, also making sure no posts that disagree with your personal politics are allowed to stay up.

  • WhyDoesntThisThingWork@lemmy.worldtoTechnology@lemmy.worldReddit is a Dying Mall
    11 months ago

    Another article that’s overly sympathetic to the mods. Reddit has been bad for years, not now just suddenly with the API changes when the bulk of you finally realized. The mods were horrible and HUGE part of the problem, to the point I think the mods (and other users) being so upset is hilarious. The API changes were a bad move, but they were just the latest in a years long string of nothing BUT bad moves. You guys are way late to the party and congratulating yourselves for being so punctual. Now the standard moving on from your ex joke and my comment is finished.

  • I keep seeing this type of argument being made, the problem is though, it’s not just political differences.

    These users will brigade, follow you around, harass you, post objectionable memes and content, etc if you disagree with them. If you think that it’s just “political differences” and not a big deal, I suggest you spend your time preaching to the group that actually can’t handle being disagreed with and not the rest of us for simply noticing and talking about how horrible that group is.

    I’ve also seen “we’re adults, so lets just move on and not defederate/ban” but the problem here is one group is not actually acting like adults so that argument doesn’t work.