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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023

  • Scripting is the closest thing to magic I’ve seen in real life. Wave your hand over the script and poof, a job is done.

    I automated so much at my last job I usually never “worked” more than a half hour a day. I am not a programmer, but I slowly learned enough Excel functions and VBA, then simple batch files and some AutoHotkey. Since it was only stuff for my job I needed to learn to program for, it took much less time than learning to program for any situation. Also much of your work is going to be relatively the same as many others’ work, so there is a lot of code out there you can lift from and tweak until you learn to build it from scratch.

  • When browsing in All or similar, there’s a non-zero chance of coming across things that can be offensive, explicit, or disgusting. You shouldn’t encounter anything pornographic or where people die or get horribly injured, but that is my only expectation.

    I browse in thumbnail view for that reason. It’s enough to see if I want to see a full image, if it’s not something I want to see, I didn’t get hit full blast by it, and if it’s something I don’t want people around to see at that moment, it’s much harder for them to see it and faster to scroll past.

    When you select a sort that pulls from every community, it’s you asking to see everything. Death, injury, and private parts are about the only things the bulk of society can agree are at least somewhat offensive, so those are the only things you should expect to see blocked by a NSFW filter. Lewd, gross, and offensive are still free to pass, for better or worse. That’s the Internet culture has existed for most of its existence and feels pretty universal in my experience.

  • I’m in agreement with others in that a British guy isn’t the best choice and also that anything resembling voter intimidation isn’t what we need.

    I think Lincoln would be a better character to choose as a mask. He’s an American hero, and due to party on one hand and actions on the other, it adds anonymity as to the affiliation of the wearer as both sides of the political fence hold him up as virtuous.

    I just finished up a biographical podcast of George Orwell, and much was discussed about him being used symbolically by both the right and left. I feel Lincoln fits the same circumstances, being the first Republican president, though his actions fit more to the current left. If we see a return of the loss of habeus corpus, that’s be another thing they’d have in common. I don’t want to be right on that though…

  • Lemon does sound like it’d be a lot of sour in addition to the vinegar itself.

    I used powdered ginger and thought fresh grated would be the way to go. I also feel it’d be easier to strain it if the final drink.

    Overall I thought it was good though. I gave some to my girlfriend not telling her what it was and she thought it was some vile beer type thing that went bad. 😆

    I’d absolutely drink it again though. With some tweaks it’d be really good. I am solidly pro switchel.

  • I think I had watched his switchel and shrub videos too!

    I want to say it was Alton Brown where I first learned about these. I’ve made shrub a few times and even had it at the local Pennsylvania German heritage fairs.

    Since I had the stuff on hand, I quick threw some together, just eyeballing the ingredients. It’s pretty darn good!

    Main flavor is obviously molasses, so if you don’t like that, you won’t like switchel. The ginger and vinegar work together very nicely! Both bring a nice zing and brightness to the drink. It contrasts well with the warm and earthy flavor of the molasses.

    I put most of it in the fridge for after work as it’s going to be a super hot day again and I didn’t want a vinegar taste in my mouth overpowering my coffee.

    If you have the stuff, I absolutely recommend it.

  • I’d like to see a world more like that, but it feels like something that would require a society much different than the one we currently have.

    Even your simplified mention of freeing IP not being marketed, in the Internet age, does having an item listed as for sale but out of stock or for an unreasonable price counted as being marketed? It’s technically advertised for sale at no real cost, and can be done so in perpetuity. Or they could sell themselves product to show legal sales.

    Simple rules and judgement operating under the intentof the law makes sense to rational individuals like us, but with scammy business and individuals, that’s why we end up with a complex legal system. If we hate when legal loopholes are taken advantage of, we can’t outright hate when laws get more complex.

  • Did some more digging to get us some more helpful info here. I assembled quotes from 3 articles to make you guys a more cohesive story. Take that AI, I’m coming for your jobs! 😆

    First quote is from OP’s PBS article. The rest is assembled from this BBC article, and this other article that the BBC referred to for their info.

    Deaths from illegally brewed alcohol are common in India, where the poor cannot afford licensed brands from government-run shops. The illicit liquor, which is often spiked with chemicals such as pesticides to increase potency, has also become a hugely profitable industry as bootleggers pay no taxes and sell enormous quantities of their product to the poor at a cheap rate.

    The district police had arrested one person on Wednesday, June 19, identified as Kannukutty (49). He is accused of peddling the liquor. The police had also seized 200 litres of liquor from his possession. According to the police, Kannukutty had mixed methanol in the country liquor and had sold it in packets.

    Family members of the deceased, however, told TNM that the police are complicit. “Illicit liquor is regularly sold in this area. The police know. If someone complains, they will stop for 10 days but resume again. If a person complains, the police will tip the peddler off on who raised the complaint and immediately, that person is threatened by the peddlers. That’s why people have refrained from complaining. The peddlers definitely pay a sum of money to the police to continue selling illicit liquor,” a family member of a victim said.

    Another family member of the victim added that Karunapuram’s Dalit Colony has seen the most number of deaths. “The sale of illicit liquor is so rampant here that even 13 and 15-year-old boys are being sold packets by peddlers. These peddlers are now also selling Marijuana. Today, despite so many deaths, no one apart from the Tahsildar and a few police have come to this Dalit Colony. We want the officials to initiate strict action and put an end to the sale of drugs and illicit liquor,” she added.

    A day earlier, Chief Minister MK Stalin expressed his shock over the tragic incident and announced actions against officials who failed to prevent it. In a post on X, MK Stalin said, “I was shocked and saddened to hear the news of the deaths of people who had consumed adulterated liquor in Kallakurichi. Those involved in the crime have been arrested in this matter. Action has also been taken against the officials who failed to prevent it.

    Authorities have also suspended a senior police official and ten members of the state’s prohibition enforcement wing - which overseas the smuggling of illicit alcohol in the state - for negligence.

    Tamil Nadu Chief Minister MK Stalin has announced a compensation of 1m rupees ($12,000; £9,425) to families of those who have died and 50,000 rupees each to those who are hospitalised.

    It may be noted that earlier, in May 2023 as well, 22 persons lost their lives after consuming illicit liquor in Villupuram and Chengalpattu districts of Tamil Nadu. The Villupuram police had confirmed that the fatalities were due to the presence of methanol in the spurious alcohol consumed.

    “The deaths caused by illicit liquor in the past two years under the DMK [Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam] regime have decelerated Tamil Nadu by four decades, taking us back to the 1980s,” said K Annamalai, the state chief of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP).

    He demanded that the minister in charge of overseeing the sale of alcohol should resign immediately.

  • I largely agree. I don’t know the best solution for copyright. On one hand, I don’t think that necessarily the creators’ kids deserve rights forever. They didn’t make the stuff. But on the other hand, who does get the money after the creators are gone? The publisher in this case should get something for publishing physical materials or for marketing their wares that sell, but again, they didn’t create it so someone should get something.

    I do think that if nobody does anything with a work for x amount of time (maybe 10 years) then it should be fair game for anyone that does.

    Even things like old games, if I download a Contra NES ROM, how am I hurting Nintendo or Konami?

    If I download LotR, how am I ripping off Tolkien? I’m not stealing a hard copy. I could borrow it from a physical library. Why can’t I borrow it from an electronic library? The person that deserves the rights to the literal story is dead. He doesn’t care.

  • True, but it is the manga that’s the artists’ work. Anime is (usually) an adaptation by someone else. I always appreciate when they put in similar effort, but I’m appreciative when they just adapt things faithfully. Looking at you, Promised Neverland!

    Golden Kamuy is a meme with the bad CG animations that sometimes get put in. The bear is the famous one that looks like a cut n paste hack job.

    But it is what it is. For action orientated anime especially, I’m just happy they get animated so I can follow the action better. My brain can fill in the missing bits.

  • Always looked forward to the color cover art of his! I’ll have to read more Junji Ito. Someone just the other week informed me of Enigma of Amigara Fault and I really liked that.

    Komi is on my list, but my brain always confuses it with Aharen-san Is Indecipherable, which I’ve already seen.

    Having watched anime from the 80s on, the low quality stuff nowadays I typically don’t notice. As long as the stories are good and the voices aren’t terrible, that’s pretty much all I need.

  • I’m totally caught up on the OP manga. I’m at the end of Dressrosa in the anime.

    If you know enough to get those Gintama references, you should be good to go. The first like 40ish episodes (up until the first movie) it’s pretty much a Seinfeld show-about-nothing type of thing, but it sets you up with many of the huge cast of reoccurring characters and sets the baseline for all to come. By the last few seasons though you won’t recognize anyone as you have so much backstory to everything going on and their mundane adventures of trying to afford their next meal have scaled up so slowly to a space epic. You really grow with them all so much along the way, and I feel the world is even more fleshed out than One Piece if you can imagine. If you know some basics of Japanese history in regard to them losing their isolation with outside countries and some basic shogun/samurai/shinsengumi history you will get some of the deeper and IRL cultural references as well. Some 10 minute Youtube videos will give you more than enough. Some characters are historical figures, parodies of course, but knowing that they were real people will make it funnier as well. I wouldn’t call this historical fiction at all, but a very light alternate history wouldn’t be inaccurate.

    I watched season 1 of JJK, liked it enough to pick up the manga, but dropped both. I’m in my 40’s now, so it has to be a standout shonen to get me into it at this point. It just felt like it went more teen than adult to me as it went on. I dropped it for Chainsaw Man and I stick by that decision.

    That reminded me, I was going to say Steins’ Gate is seinen so it’s directed more to adults, and that reminded me of another awesome and underrated show: Golden Kamuy! It follows and Ainu girl (aboriginal Japanese) and an ex-soldier on a treasure hunt where the map is tattooed on vicious killer escaped prisoners! It is very much historical fiction, but full of gags and comedy, but you learn a lot about the Ainu people which I though was outstanding stuff I had never heard of. The story was awesome too. Lots of alliance shifting and backstabbing and plots, and nice brutal combat scenes and some great villains! If you want something more adult but still with juvenile humor (nudity jokes, poop jokes, penis jokes) this is what you want. English dub is great too IMO, that’s the one I watched. It was the first manga I read because I couldnt wait to find out what happened next. Amazing storytelling and historical research. If you read the manga, each ends with notes going over the real history of the people and places in that chapter. It even earned a museum tour near the end of its run!

  • When I saw the post title, I was going to say One Piece. I checked out some random episodes years ago, and it was too weird just jumping in the middle (where they met Chopper at the time) so I gave up on it, and then it got too big to get into. My friends finally pressured me into picking it up, and I read the manga in about 6 months and now I’m 3/4 through the anime and love it so much after over 20 years of anime watching. It’s just such a fun world and I love all the characters, good and bad alike. How it’s still so exciting after all this time is amazing and it’s so awesome that all the plotlines keep intersecting like it’s been planned out all along.

    Since we’ve already got that one checked off, I love Steins’ Gate as a sci fi fan. Go in blind for the best experience.

    Gintama is amazing, but it starts pretty slow and doesn’t seem like it’s going anywhere, but then you really get hooked on the characters and the world like with One Piece. Eventually though, it turns into something HUGE and it’s like it’s gradually evolved into something epic. It’s got a ton of anime/manga references, which will make it even funnier once you’ve seen more shonen stuff. I love it, but it’s totally not a show for everyone, but I watched it all through Covid lockdown and it was one of the best rides of my life. It’s One Piece-ish, but in a very smartass way. They break the fourth wall, make fun of you for watching, there’s many disgusting bits, the reuse animation on purpose, the characters are totally insane. Replace One Piece’s pirates with aliens, the MC is a mix of Luffy and Zoro, and instead of searching for a treasure, they’re fighting an epic space war.