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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023


  • Microreactors aren’t that big. The one in the picture is from terrapower, the nuclear company Gates is funding, but they aren’t that close to production. The ones that have or are close to have DOE approval, are the size of a garden shed, and can power something like a couple of neighborhoods, or a datacenter. Might need two for a datacenter. They are self-sufficient, small, clean, and take almost no hand holding.


    The article is talking about small modular reactors, which is basically taking hte micro reactor concept and scaling it just a little larger, and creating a power plant, that you can add more modules on to increase the size and power output. It’s kind of a hybrid concept between a standard power plant and a classic nuclear plant. They don’t take 10 years to build, you’re not bulding that giant containment building, because the reactors are small and easy to replace and manage. China has already done this in several places while we dwaddle and waste time being scared of old ways of thinking.

  • Well, maybe if I was an experience coder capable of writing my own libraries that would help. Even still, this must be a new board, the documentation for it is abysmal. On the opi forums people are asking what gpio libraries work on this board, and the answer seems to be, well you will have to write you’re own for now, ok, but not all of us are at that level. I didn’t realize this was such a new board when I bought it, and support on the off brands is known to be much more sparse. I have just finished my second animatronic halloween decoration for my yard, and bought this because I can’t get any more rpi’s at the moment. With rpi, there is a great libraries to work with, and tons of good documentation on how to use them. It’s great to pump out cheap alternatives, but without software and documentation support, they aren’t really that useful.