• 12 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • Let’s look at your 3 criteria one by one:

    or internal support

    The regime is definitely illegitimate in eyes of the people, as proven by the fact that most people stayed away from the sham election where their only choices was between archconservatives and reactionaries.

    the context of international relations,

    The US has had no diplomatic relations with Iran since 1979 and does not recognize that regime as legitimate.

    and control.

    Yes they do control people. With torture and murder. But torture and murder is not really viewed as a legitimate way for countries to control their population.

  • He failed to legitimize the government that has been ruling the country since 1979…?

    The monarchy system of the Shah lasted 2500 years. Not sure what the point it.

    You don’t have to support theocracy to recognize the absurdity of claiming that a government that’s been in charge for 50 years, and is recognized around the world, is somehow illegitimate.

    It is illegitimate as a democracy and government that represents its own people. People are protesting the fakeness of the election by not voting.

  • LMFAO This time the AI doesn’t even know that 6.12 > 2.537. It doesn’t even know to use the computer to compute things even though it literally runs inside a computer.

    Me: is andromeda or ngc300 closer to us?

    ChatGPT: Between the Andromeda Galaxy (M31) and NGC 300, NGC 300 is closer to us. NGC 300 is a spiral galaxy located in the constellation Sculptor, and it’s approximately 6.12 million light-years away from Earth. In contrast, the Andromeda Galaxy (M31) is much farther, at around 2.537 million light-years away. Therefore, NGC 300 is closer to us than the Andromeda Galaxy.

  • It depends on how you ask the question, and there is also a randomization done on the AI answer that you get. The point is that you would be foolish to trust AI to accurately answer science questions. Why the f*ck would you want a randomized answer to a science question?

    ME: how far is andromeda from caldwell 70?

    ChatGPT: Caldwell 70, also known as NGC 7000 or the North America Nebula, is an emission nebula located in the constellation Cygnus. It is much closer to us than the Andromeda Galaxy. The North America Nebula is estimated to be around 1,600 light-years away from Earth. Therefore, in comparison to the distance between the Milky Way and Andromeda, Caldwell 70 is significantly closer to us.

    In fact Caldwell 70 is over twice as far as Andromeda, because Caldwell 70 in NGC 300, not NDC 7000 (Caldwell-20). Also, the AI didn’t even answer the question that I actually asked.