Inbred: chaorace’s family has been a bit too familiar. (Can be inherited)


  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • You may be interested in reading this post about the process of packaging Steam.

    tl;dr: It’s mostly an annoyance reserved for packagers to deal with. Dynamically linked executables can be patched in a fairly universal fashion to work without FHS, so that’s the go-to approach. If the executable is statically linked, the package may have to ship a source patch instead. If the executable is statically linked & close-source, the packagers are forced to resort to simulating an FHS environment via chroot.

  • chaorace@lemmy.sdf.orgtoLinux@lemmy.mlWhere can I find work?
    6 months ago

    If you hate job boards then you need to find individual company “Careers” pages and go from there.

    How you go about this varies a lot by skillset and industry, but I’ll just throw out a random example: lots of Linux jobs exist in the DevOps space (think Kubernetes, Ansible, Chef, NixOps). It just so happens that lots of medium-sized software companies need DevOps people, so you can pretty easily find companies looking for DevOps hires just by browsing Y Combinator’s Startup Directory

    With that being said, I get the impression from the way your post is worded that you’re looking to break into a new career without having yet established a concrete plan. My advice would be to step back and consider specific options first. Almost all jobs like these require industry-specific certifications (e.g.: CompTIA, ITIL, AWS, Azure, Cisco, etc.). You need to look at your options, pick a certification, earn it, then go job hunting. Certifications are great for securing entry level jobs and the standards body issuing these will often provide an online directory of partner companies who are currently hiring.

  • Sugarcoating pills is fairly common, especially for pills which are frequently ingested or target older demographics. It’s because sugar coatings are much gentler on the esophagus (i.e.: less likely to cause esophagitis, “pill burn”). Advil (i.e.: ibuprofen) is a cheap, well tolerated, and non habit-forming pain reliever – it’s about as safe as such a thing could possibly be, so hopefully that helps to explain why a sugar coating might be warranted given the aforementioned upsides (for the love of all that is holy; always read the directions on the label, it’s still quite possible that Advil is not safe for you specifically). FWIW: the bottles also have childproofing mechanisms built into the caps (… at least in U.S. markets. Not sure about elsewhere?)

  • Male A to Male C is abolutely possible. It’s the Male A to Female C adapters which are evil. There is no pinout mapping that will turn an A host into a “real” C host and that’s exactly what a Male A to Female C adapter purports to do.

    In any case, if you know what you’re doing then all bets are off the table. Hack away freely because at the end of the day it’s all just copper and bits anyway. With that being said, anyone who knows what they’re doing does not require my permission to… vague gesture know what they’re doing.

  • Like I said: in order to do it the non-evil way you need to cram in an onboard USB chip. Female USB-C from a Male USB-A plug-in is explicitly not possible to implement in a spec-compliant manner because of the pinouts.

    You can brute-force a smaller passive adapter like those online but it’s a devil’s bargain. Nobody targets these janky adapters when designing products. USB-C things will just break without any rhyme or reason because you’re fundamentally breaking the hardware contract and “lying” about the capabilities of your port.

  • chaorace@lemmy.sdf.orgtoLinux@lemmy.mlThoughts on this?
    6 months ago

    I am of two minds:

    1. He’s not wrong
    2. It doesn’t matter at this point

    It’s a mess, but honestly so are a lot of critical FOSS projects (e.g.: OpenSSH, GNUPG, sudo). Curmudgeons gonna curmudgeon. There was a point of no return and that was years ago – now that Wayland’s finally becoming useable despite itself it’s probably time to come to terms with the fact that better alternatives would have arisen had anyone thought they could truly manage it.