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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 31st, 2023

  • Or, here’s another way of looking at it. Man who voluntarily left the ruling party of Israel and remains a part of Israel’s political class quotes Hitler. Not in the way we all quote Hitler to show that a point of view is wrong because Hitler held it, but rather in the way we quote someone like Nelson Mandela or Albert Einstein; to support an argument because we respect the source.
    Meaning, Israeli politician respects Hitler.

    Israel=Nazis is trending because the Israeli regime is genocidal, just like the Nazi regime that necessitated the creation of Israel, which is tragically ironic. This news piece is just garnish.

  • Nobody is blaming the dogs. The humans that bred then to have the instinct to never let go until their prey is dead, they are the bad guys here. It’s a bit like how pugs are fraught with health problems their whole lives because people think their funny faces are cute. Not their fault, but they have to live with it. XL bullies aren’t evil. They’re just doing what their breed does. Unfortunately what their breed does ends up killing people quite often.

  • The bottom line is this: if your accelerated processes are causing more workers to get injured, then you need to slow down. You must not churn out a second stage every 2.5 days if it means more injuries per worker.
    Your argument is that these workers are doing more dangerous tasks more often and therefore that raises the injury rate, right? Well then they should be doing fewer dangerous tasks, and less often, then.

  • Just to fill in the background here, this wacko policy was introduced by Boris Johnson at some point in order to score some political points in one 24hr news cycle or another. Since then it’s been championed by two of the most far-right Home Secretaries in the history of the office, with Braverman making it a wedge issue for the Tory party. Earlier this year, Sunak needed the support of the far right of his party, and he promised this bill to get that support. So, even though the law is “batshit” according to the current Home Secretary (yes that’s real) we are going ahead with it purely because it’s the only way to keep this government together for as long as possible. That is a maximum of eight months until the last possible moment they are forced to call an election.
    To summarise: the UK government is breaking international law and subverting its own Supreme Court, along with any number of democratic processes, in order to push through a cruel, ludicrous and counterproductively expensive law just in order to hold on to power for weight months.
    To summarise the summary: FUCK the Tories.

  • My training is in applied mathematics, so I’m only conceptually aware of strange attractors. It’s my understanding that they are chaotic systems that tend towards a stable state. As such I’m a little skeptical of the claim that the universe itself is a strange attractor, since it is broadly predictable and hence not chaotic, and it’s expanding and thus not tending towards stability!