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Joined 17 days ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2024


  • dactylotheca@suppo.fitoProgrammer Humor@lemmy.mlRegex flavors
    51 minutes ago

    Oh yeah they definitely have uses, but there’s a real tendency for people to go a bit crazy with them. Complex regexen aren’t exactly readable, there’s all kinds of fun performance gotchas, there’s sometimes other tools/algorithms that are more suitable for the task, and sometimes people try to use them to eg. parse HTML because they don’t know that it is literally impossible to use regular expressions to parse languages that aren’t regular

  • Because you can’t surgically change someone’s sex; or do you think that eg. trans women have wombs? Here’s how the Canadian Institutes of Health Research explains the difference:

    Sex refers to a set of biological attributes in humans and animals. It is primarily associated with physical and physiological features including chromosomes, gene expression, hormone levels and function, and reproductive/sexual anatomy. Sex is usually categorized as female or male but there is variation in the biological attributes that comprise sex and how those attributes are expressed.

    Gender refers to the socially constructed roles, behaviours, expressions and identities of girls, women, boys, men, and gender diverse people. It influences how people perceive themselves and each other, how they act and interact, and the distribution of power and resources in society. Gender identity is not confined to a binary (girl/woman, boy/man) nor is it static; it exists along a continuum and can change over time. There is considerable diversity in how individuals and groups understand, experience and express gender through the roles they take on, the expectations placed on them, relations with others and the complex ways that gender is institutionalized in society.

    Yeah, sure, a pedant could argue that “gender correction surgery” is the wrong term since gender is a social construct and that’s not what’s literally done in the operation, because the operation is more about correcting (ie into accordance with whatever that person’s gender is) external “markers” of sex and/or genitals, but that doesn’t mean sex reassignment is therefore the correct term.

  • I definitely don’t agree with that take.

    First of all, “terraforming” means “to make Earth-like”; climate mitigation is one thing, but if we let things here get bad enough that we have to start thinking about terraforming Terra, we’ve pretty thoroughly screwed the pooch at that point. Ending up with an Earth that is no longer Earth-like would mean that things have gone sideways so badly that I doubt we’d have the industrial capacity or resources to deal with it.

    Second, terraforming Mars involves a vastly different process than unfucking our climate and ecosystems. For example, Mars has a very thin atmosphere, which on top of being thin is mostly CO2 and doesn’t have more than trace amounts of oxygen. There’s also no magnetosphere to speak of because its “core dynamo” essentially died when its core cooled down and plate tectonics etc stopped being a thing, meaning that any atmosphere you do manage to generate is continuously getting blasted away by radiation.

    Terraforming Mars essentially means pumping more energy and gases into its climate system via whetever method, while the problem here on Earth is that we’ve pumped too much energy into the climate system and we’d have to somehow get it “out” again.

  • The solution for Earth isn’t going to be some pie-in-the-sky terraforming (which, I’d like to note, means “to make Earth-like”) project, but changing our psychotic economic system that depends on infinite growth and consistently elevates the worst of us into positions of power.

    That’s why I think we’ll never manage to unfuck ourselves. There’s just way too much power invested in keeping things the way they are

  • I’ve had a conservative say essentially that to me but with a straight face. He was also convinced that white, cishet meat eater men are the most oppressed minority (literally what he said).

    Parodying conservative opinions is completely impossible nowadays; any quip anybody can come up with will be an actual conservative opinion, pretty much no matter how ridiculously stupid it is.

  • If you want to protect your privacy against viewers of your videos, how you upload them to YouTube makes more or less no difference. With this scenario the question is how much information are you leaking in your content, and that’d cover everything from writing style idiosyncracies to anything that can be used to potentially identify eg. where you live and so on.

    If you’re worried about “malicious hackers”, then the question is who are these potential hackers you’re protecting against? Would they be attacking Google or you? If it’s you, then how you upload things to YT is again completely meaningless. If they’re attacking Google and get far enough to actually exfil data, what they’d actually be able to get out of it is anybody’s guess. Using a VPN and a throwaway email is probably good enough in any case.