Web Developer by day, and aspiring Swift developer at night.

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • It’s no grosser than wiping with dry paper and then walking around with poop smear to stink up the downstairs area.

    And I’m not saying that to be mean. It’s the truth. We’ve been brainwashed by the likes of Johnson & Johnson to believe dry paper can fully clean your butt after pooping. It simply is not true. That’s the real gross.

    It’s high time we start talking about all of this. How else can we learn and grow?

  • GPLv3 is virally open source (copyleft), BSD 2-Clause is not.

    Your first statement is patently false and misleading.

    Two variants of the license, the New BSD License/Modified BSD License (3-clause), and the Simplified BSD License/FreeBSD License (2-clause) have been verified as GPL-compatible free software licenses by the Free Software Foundation, and have been vetted as open source licenses by the Open Source Initiative. (Wikipedia)

    Being “copyleft” is not a requirement for being open source. Maybe you’re thinking of free software. There are differences, but as the FSF is quoted, they are also very similar.

    GPLv3 ensures free software remains free and contributions cannot be exploited and withheld from the community. BSD2C does not.

    To my understanding, and if I’m wrong I’d love to know why, both GPLv3 and BSD2 both ensure the openness of software. They just go about it differently. GPL (I’m not super versed at v3) basically means any modifications to GPL’d code must also be GPL’d, and source made available; also, if you statically link against other GPL’d code, your code must be GPL’d. Dynamic linking (or linking against LGPL code, like glibc) does not have this requirement.

    With BSD code, your only requirement is that the code (or binaries) must remain BSD2. Sure, someone can make modifications and keep them to themselves for fun and profit. But that doesn’t mean the rest of the community has to follow suit. The original code remains open and available with no license modifications. If a company owns BSD2 code, and goes under, the community can simply fork the code and take ownership as they please.

    Neither license is perfect, and I’m sure we could find plenty of examples of people/companies that have abused both licenses.

  • I’m probably going to get a lot of hate for this, and I do recognize there have been problems with it all over the place (my code too), but I like null. I don’t like how it fucks everything up. But from a data standpoint, how else are you going to treat uninitialized data, or data with no value? Some people might initialize an empty string, but to me that’s a valid value in some cases. Same for using -1 or zero for numbers. There are cases where those values are valid. It’s like using 1 for true, and zero for false.

    Whomever came up with the null coalescing operator (??) and optional chaining (?->) are making strides with handling null more elegantly.

    I’m more curious why JavaScript has both null and undefined, and of course NaN. Now THAT is fucked up. Make it make sense.

  • dohpaz42@lemmy.worldtoProgrammer Humor@lemmy.mlWorst is UTC vs GMT
    7 days ago

    You obviously don’t suffer from a sensitive circadian rhythm. To that I’d say, lucky you. But there are plenty of people who do suffer. And by the time they finally get used to the time change, it’s time to change again. It’s vicious and disruptive; to more than just scheduling. It has a direct (negative) impact on physical and mental health.

  • Personally, I’ve always hated this notion of a nuclear family, and that there is some standard that people must go by, lest you be weird or lesser of a person. The more that times goes on, and the economy is the way it is, the more I feel justified in my thinking.

    I lived with my folks into my late 20s. I only moved out because I went on a date with a girl, and never left. She never said anything, so I kept going back to her place. It just sort of happened. If I hadn’t met her, I don’t know when I’d have moved out of my parent’s house.

    If your mother is okay with it, why the hell not? She probably enjoys the company. I currently live alone, except the weeks I have my kids, and while I do enjoy time to myself, I look forward to having my boys around. I’ve told my sons that no matter how old they are, or what happens in their life, they will always have a home with me. My youngest (9) states he is never moving out, and he’s not one to joke about that. 😅

    I say, if it works for you and your family, do it. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that, and fuck off to anybody who says otherwise.

  • I too don’t feel love; as in I there is not a physiological sensation that I can point to that is distinct for “love”. I know what sadness and anger feel like. I know what it feels like to disassociate from trauma. But I do not have a physical reaction to love.

    I do, however, notice my attitude and behavior toward the things and people I love. I am kinder, more gentle, excited to be with, and would do just about anything for them. I prefer their company over being alone. And even if I’m mad at them, I still “love” them because I still want to be around them.

    Maybe I’m weird and broken or something. I don’t know. But I used to worry that I didn’t have the capacity for love like society suggested I should. But then I realized that I do genuinely love things, even if I can’t feel it.

  • I get where you’re coming from, but given the cost of equipment these days, it’s important to consider whether or not the zero-config big box brand stuff will be around long enough to be worth the cost. While it’s a PITA to spend your efforts setting this all up, doing it yourself using open protocols can be worth it in the long run. And 9 out of 10 times, when you do it yourself, you can just leave it alone and forget about it.

    Edit: there is a good write-up between zigbee and matter, and for ease of use it looks like matter would be better for your use cases.