• 10 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 19th, 2023


  • If you didn’t know Kissinger was Jewish, you must not be Jewish, and if you’re not Jewish, but simply an ally, then shut the fuck up. When the world scapegoats Jews, Jews fucking die, and we’re a bit tired of being made to be the ultimate in the sin of the world, because of all the, you know, Expulsion, Inquisition, Pogrom, Holocaust, Terrorism, and stuff. Again, do us a favor, and shut your whore fucking mouth. You have no idea the damage making Jews THE scapegoat causes.

  • Biggest Evil In American Politics? Kissinger?

    Biggest Evil in American Entertainment? Weinstein?

    Biggest Evil in American Finance? Bankman Fried?

    Biggest Evil in Human Rights? Israel?

    We sure are hitting the high notes in scapegoatism these days huh. And see how natural and easy it all feels

    Blaming Jews is just right gosh darn it! Target the only Jewish state, it’s only right!

    Lay absolutely no blame whatsoever at the heroic freedom fighter Arab Islamic Terrorists who use suicide bombings, missiles, rape, beheading, eviscerating, burning against civilian populations for the last 70 years.

    Poor little “Palestinian” cinamon rolls, never did nothin to nobody. Except want peace with Jews, ever.

  • When 4000 “Palestinians” storm the Israeli border to rape, slaughter and burn close to 2000 Jews, after 18 years of making Gaza into a terrorist Disneyland, and wanting nothing but exactly what happened on October 7th, they’re get what they asked for. They think the worlds opinion, who looked the other way while 6 million Jews were chewed up and turned to ash by the Nazi Reich, is going to matter a single fucking bit.

    Those poor poor “Palestinian” cinnamon rolls, done nothin to nobody, here let us help you us, show us where the bad Jews hurt you.

    The Muslims get what they accept, same in Kabul, as in Tehran, as in Beirut, as in Damascus, as in Sannaa, as in Riyadh, as in Gaza City and Rafah. But but but it’s the Jews abusing the Muslims, don’t you know, it the Jews, the Jews.

  • You know, I’ve always been pro immigration, being a son of an immigrant myself, and these far right arguments against immigration haven’t been about immigration per se, but Muslim immigration, and after seeing the worlds left (to which I’ve belonged and voted for, without exception my entire adult life) turn into Islamic Terrorist Jew Killing supporters, I’m more inclined to give this “anti immigration” stance a hard look.

    As in Israel, Muslims seek to murder and destroy, in the attempt to make anywhere that’s not like their own Islamofacist hellholes, exactly like all their other Islamofacist hellholes, and why import or allow that to imported into Egalitarian Secular Democracy so they can try their very best to make Jews less safe (to say nothing of Homosexuals) everywhere.

    I think I’m going to start to be less of a rah rah supporter of immigration, and I thank the Left for that. When you’re chanting “Free Palestine” and the Jewish community who’ve voted lockstep Democratic in the United States is watching you, there will be far flung ramifications.

    We’ve given the left our support, our lives in some cases like the southern freedom riders, our financial contributions, and our votes, far outpacing in percentage to any other American political block besides Black folks, for the last Hundred years.

    Antisemitism gets people so worked up and turned on, the hate overwhelms their logical ability to determine truth from falsehood, even when it’s presented to them, they simply refuse to believe it, and that’s when the pogroms start, and when they’re ignore, or excused.

    Who wants to import more of that? Anywhere?