• 8 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 26th, 2023


  • Thanks for the code example. I tried going through web3 awhile back with HTML, but need to go through at least 60% more of the course and examples they provided on the website.

    I’m a bit confused on what a server is, past “someone else’s computer” or “another computer” or “a machine elsewhere that is able to take and receive requests”. When you write a “GET” request, is this pulling from another file on your machine locally, but still using the HTML framework and WASM to have “Piece of code 1” talk to “Piece of code 2”? And this all happens locally on the same machine you’re using?

    Currently I’m using the Kate IDE editor since Neovim made me hurl my lunch. Spyder was what I used for Python, but it can’t be used with more than one language unfortunately. I’d assume programs with functions provided by Electron are able to cache what they retrieve… Is the “server” downloaded alongside the application, therefore not requiring WiFi connection to use the application?

    Hope my questions aren’t too out in left-field and thanks again for your response!

  • That looks like a helpful guide to go through as well. I’m not too familiar with compiling/building/making (only the general notions)… In the past, I’ve abandoned programming projects because I got bogged down in the semantics of the documentation.

    Should I stick to drawing high-level flowcharts pursuing a “make this” Occam’s Razor type philosophy and just condition myself to abandon unnecessary pedantic details? Just trying to make sure I follow through with my programming project this time instead of getting overwhelmed!

  • That’s a very poetic way of looking at the way our data on these forms will be processed and ingested by LLMs in the coming years. I have been considering cloning my own voice and experimenting with the multitude of use cases that can provide.

    All the developed literature as well as entirely documented human lives… Readily available with numerical recipes for their processing and integration into whatever societal infrastructure comes out of where we’re headed right now.

    It was strange for me to come to terms with that. The crowd that Lemmy fosters is such a different subset than the general population. Sometimes I wonder what growing up online will do to people down the line from us.

    It’s heart rending to hear what you’re going through, OP. I’m sure your family will sincerely cherish what you write. I also agree with others who have mentioned to add stipulations on how you want your thoughts to be used. Not to speak for you, but I wouldn’t want my likelihood desecrated in some manufactured effigy long after my death.

    Not to say I didn’t spend a fair chunk of my own life online, but with the advancements in materials and manufacturing methods, I wonder what storage devices and technologies will become sarcophagi for our archived lives…

    Wishing you wonders in your last moments, OP.

  • Memes like this make me ever more confused about my own software work flow. I’m in engineering so you can already guess my coding classes were pretty surface level at least at my uni and CC

    Conda is what I like to use for data science but I still barely understand how to maintain a package manager. Im lowkey a bot when it comes to using non-GUI programs and tbh that paradigm shift has been hard after 18 years of no CLI usage.

    The memes are pretty educational though

  • Unfortunately I don’t think completely automating my resume is going to happen. It’s just a dream :( I’ve finally found something that got the attention of an employer though, so hopefully my job search will be over soon.

    I’m still itching to do something with NLP/LLMs, but I’ll have to define the problem more rigorously rather than throw out nebulous desires. Thanks for the response!

  • I’ll check those out and see if I can get a good workflow going for it.

    I wanted my first web project to be a static site since I really only need a blog at this point in time. The use case for my blog really would be to write about chemistry and chemical engineering stuff I think is cool. Having a worksheet repository for my students as well that they could access with some encryption so the access is restricted. I’d love to try the fancy stuff on websites, I just need to get the poison of “JavaScript is spyware” out of my head.

    It’s pretty disorienting to figure out the “right” way of learning web development after the loads of slander I’ve seen in memes. Im sure youve seen the same about React, JavaScript, and something about “NodeJS”. I wasn’t really too aware of software other than doing calculations on data collected from DAQs. Any resources you’d recommend to check out?

    I guess I should ask the question, what exactly is all the fuss about surrounding some of the frameworks? I definitely can see the argument about adding more layers of abstraction can obfuscate the underlying mechanisms of the codes thus increasing the amount of potential vulnerabilities. Particular companies and developers turning evil is also. But some of the rhetoric becomes “They’ll put a miner for your crypto” “They’ll siphon every facet of information about you”. The most bizarre I read was how to figure out the outline of 3D objects surrounding the user via the pattern in white noise detected by an interference pattern.

    Histrionics aside, is there a good resource that I can read that dismisses common falsehoods that is generally reflective of what constitutes a " good" framework? Thanks for the help!

  • I’m not too experienced in Web devlopment, but have been curious in getting into it. I’ve been walking on eggshells trying to avoid working in a, for lack of better terminology, “soyboy” environment.

    I know how to write basic HTML, TeX markup language, and can write Perl, Bash, Python, and a bit of C.

    Is there a good programming exercise to do when learning HTMX? I’d be interested in incorporating it into my personal website once I figure out how to get a static site up. Is Hugo or Publii better suited for a beginner? I don’t want to have the equivalent of having Arch as my first distribution but in the scope of Web development… :)

  • Follow the rabbit holes! You never really know where they go.

    I completely agree with this one! Been awhile since this comment was posted, but I’ve had a great deal of fun with Pop!_OS after I nearly went mad. I used my arch system for about 2 months exclusively. Right now I’m dual booting it and Windows. I’m exploring Windows with new eyes again just so see what exactly was abstracted away from me and I’m just using it to get work done more efficiently.

    Thanks for the initial advice :) I’m working towards using only a Linux system and I learned I liked Debian as well. Ubuntu, Mint, and OpenSUSE didn’t really feel the way I wanted them to, and I still was piecing together concepts that were fuzzy from my 20 years of Windows usage getting in the way.

    Currently trying to get Gentoo onto a Chromebook and got curious about hypervisors so a new rabbit hole has reared its head…

  • I’d give it a try! It has been quite fun to have a Linux system and to finally feel more comfortable with the Unix-like way of using a computer. It has greatly simplified a lot of things I needed to do when I was in uni, such as uploading and processing data from a DAC as well as the simplified way of managing packages and CLI workflows. I never knew how many times the task just needed a solution with a Regex in it, but it takes one awhile to learn it.

    It feels weird to go from being a lifelong Windows user to using Linux. Unfortunately, I chose Arch to be the distribution I’d struggle with because I was too stubborn to give up. Now that I’m a little more comfortable with systems, I’ve been hopping around tinkering in different virtual machines. It took quite some time before I felt I got fluid enough with the CLI, but it makes everything feel like a text adventure game! It’s so nice to be more comfortable with Vim when I need to do systems work, access servers remotely via SSH, or navigate the system more easily. I never thought you could agnostically open files, so that was nice to learn. It’s impressive the beast of programming problems that needed to be solved before one could have a seamless in-home system. I can’t imagine shuffling magnetic tape through a dinosaur, or the hoops you’d have to jump through and technical knowledge to use a PDP-10 or older computer. Lots of respect for the gurus who can speak in tongues for those machines :) Thanks for the advice, never knew immutable OSs were a thing.

  • Yikes! I’m going to have to watch out for that. I don’t know if I can just jerry-rig together some HDDs into one of the RAID X configurations, but I think I want to get some that are quite a bit larger than 2TB given the amount of things I’d like to do with my NAS (File server, email server, personal website, etc). I’ll do some more research, thanks for the help!

  • I’ve been wading through the past 2 months of messages because I was far too incompetent at systems management (and hardware) to even pose the question correctly.

    Ideally, I’d like my NAS to have a VLAN’d off way of sectioning my security camera footage and my website so I don’t get locked out of it somehow. I heard that I need to somehow create a topology that involves a WAP, Switch, the physical chassis with the NAS in it, and the actual modem/router into the wall. I want to have a streaming server for music/video, a Hugo website, an email server, and a file system where I can store projects just in case I need to access them somewhere other than my home.

    I’ve also heard others suggest some of the larger drives for the RAID array, and I’ve seen various things suggested such as Thomas Krenn’s “mdraid”, which requires a “Hardware RAID controller” which makes me wonder what this thing actually is. I need to do more research into it, but I’m just a little stumped on how the drives fit together (physically and logically). Thanks for the help!

  • Any advice on adjusting to a search engine like Searx or enhancing how to use DuckDuckGo since Fennec comes with it?

    Is there a gospel-like resource on Search Engines and using particular query delimiters? Just been tough reading some of these documentation pages with legion jargon words

  • I’ll have to get one of those 12 or 14TB harddrives in the future so I can actually have a proper NAS. Is TrueNAS what FreeNAS is now? I see their parent company is iXSystems. I’ve heard stuff about different file systems like “ZFS” and all these other fancy 3 letter acronyms. The last time I bought software was many years ago, so would you suggest paying for their OS? Thanks for the advice, now I just need to get a better job to actually afford the toys :(