Just a basic programmer living in California

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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: February 23rd, 2024


  • Nice! I may take a look. I’ve been happy with Enpass except that I recently switched to a window manager that doesn’t implement xwayland, and Enpass is one of only two apps that I haven’t gotten working in native wayland mode, or found a substitute for. So I’ve been running Enpass in a rootful xwayland window running a nested i3 session. The IPC connection to the browser extension still works so it’s not too bad, but I’m a little tempted to try alternatives.

  • A commit followed by a reset or commit --amend later is one more step than a worktree --add. Plus there have been lots of times when I’ve had some changes staged, and some unstaged debugging or experimental changes that I want to make sure not to commit, and thinking about how to pack all that away neatly so I could get back where I was seemed sufficiently obnoxious that I avoided doing whatever would have required a quick branch switch. Worktree would have let me pick up where I left off without having to think about it.