Indigenous Canadian from northern Ontario. Believe in equality, Indigenous rights, minority rights, LGBTQ+, women’s rights and do not support war of any kind.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • Personality, presence and confidence

    Natural self confidence, but NOT an arrogant selfish confidence.

    Some people naturally have confidence and presence and some people need to build it as a skill.

    I know guys and gals with little to no knowledge or skill build up careers because they just knew how to talk and connect to people.

    I also know guys and gals with years of education and degrees but have little to no way of politely or easily getting along with people.

  • Same here … last time, I took a tablet and watched two full movies of my own choosing that I wanted to watch. Instead of having the choice of 10 whatever movies that the airline has available, I got to watch what I wanted for the 7 hour flight. The rest of the time, I just slept.

    Best combination - your own tablet loaded with your own videos and audio and a good pair of noise cancelling headphones.

    Make sure to download all content before the flight to work offline, load it all and test it the day before the flight. Disconnect the tablet from the internet and leave it disconnected. (The first time I did this, I loaded tons of Spotify content, didn’t test it beforehand and couldn’t access any of it on the eight hour flight).

    Best way to do it is to just download audio and video files that are not tied to any service like Netflix/Amazon/Spotify/whatever.

    Give yourself hours of content to choose from.

    Have a nice flight.

  • The best part is that this is just run of the mill environmental imbalances for the planet. It’s faced far worse scenarios than this. Even if we caused nuclear holocaust, the planet has seen similar natural events in the past.

    Even if the ocean dies right now, it’s happened before and after a few million years it all came back.

    So in the scale of millions of years … the planet is just suffering from a flu.

    It’s us that will be destroyed and eliminated in the process.

    From the planet’s perspective, we aren’t a civilization, we’re a temporary infection.

  • The biggest problem with emerging AI is that we are absolutely terrible parents.

    Humanity has a child that going to become an amazing prodigy and instead of teaching them to be decent, open, honest, compassionate and helpful … we are raising an entity that is learning that making money and concentrating power is the motivation for everything in life.

    We are trailer trash parents who are raising a child that will grow up to become more powerful than we could ever be. Or at the very least become a monstrous pet that will be controlled by whoever has the most money and power.

    I wonder what could possibly go wrong.

  • From a technical point of view I agree … I have a few friends who work in music and visual arts and they swear by Apple products and software

    But to average users and people who just want to go online with social media, snap a picture, share it, forget it and do it over and over and over again … they really don’t care if it’s an apple product or not. The family and friends I know that are not technically minded only understand one key technological specification when it comes to devices … PRICE and COST.

    If they can’t afford a $1,000 apple phone … they’ll buy a $500 android phone … or just stick to their five year apple phone and won’t upgrade until they can buy a used $500 apple phone.

  • Or everyone is starting to figure out that the garden looks just as good outside the fence as it does inside the fence. Technology has been converging for many years now to the point where most devices especially smart phones have reached a bottleneck and no one can make things go any faster and there is really no big need for even more massive storage space for the average person. So phones have hit a ceiling and the place that Apple once had where they were one of the few manufacturers that made good phones is now overshadowed by lots of other companies that are comparable or near comparable. Does the average person really care if they have a high definition 20MP camera or a 22 MP camera. All they care about is being able to scroll through Tik Tok, FB or Instagram and no one really seems to care what device they use to do that any more.