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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • No language is useless, please don’t say that, some are just smaller

    Yes, sorry, I didn’t check other languages, as in the list there most likely are languages that are still heavily used and/or official country languages.

    Initially I was under the impression that they didn’t get added before because all of them are not official ones and/or used anymore like in the case of “Silesian” that I did check and confirmed that should be avoided as much as possible. It’s a disservice to new generation of people that still (partial) learn it in their own while growing in that region. Then those people go to different region inside their own country and (because they or the region “use that variant”) then have troubles with communicating.

    You have clear example with Poland and Germany. Example, imagine you live in France, you want to go to Poland (or Germany), you go to school (or get some lessons) to Learn Polish (or Germany), you drive to some random region of Poland (and Germany) and … surprise, only in that “small” region they talk not with Polish (or Germany) but their own (one of dozens) variant that they call “Silesian” (or Bavarian). And even if you go and learn “Silesian” (or Bavarian) it most likely will only help maybe partially…

  • I call them useless because this language is a subset of old language that no one uses - or more precise no one should use it any more. It is a regional language from era where every region had their own culture and was occupied by multiple countries so the language is a mix of multiple molded languages that differs by region.

    Why it’s useless (in example of “Silesian”):

    • you can’t use it inside the country as it’s not official language that you can use when conversing inside goverment (yes, in some local regional governmental offices they understand it, but it’s not official)
    • in Poland people use the language “Sląski” (or like google call it “Silesian”) for many different set’s of words and dialects, and they differ to a point that one “Silesian” speaking guy sometimes have issues talking to another “Silesian” speaking guy
    • the translation is not helpful to people using that language as they know the official country language too
    • the translation probably will never be useful to any other person as they can always going to prefer to use official country language (or English)
    • the translation is bad on it’s own (as it’s only one variant of dozens if not more)

    So I’m going to call that language “useless” as other than historical value it should disappear as it this “language” was never fully defined/described and will never due to many “variants”.

    I don’t have an issue that they craeted it, I have an issue that they mixed the this language with other official (useful because still used) languages.

    I hope that in the future they will finally cleanup the bullshit language selector in google translate grouping them somehow to make it easier to quickly select the actually useful languages that people actually use on day-to-day basic.

    better than siting with dictionary for historian? maybe for me as a “native person speaking (one of the variants of) that language”? no, as I already pointed out it’s only one random variant from dozens if not more.

  • kolorafa@lemmy.worldtoLinux@lemmy.mlUsing ChatGPT with Linux
    3 months ago

    I didn’t left it, I needed provide that “part” to it to get the correct answer.

    Because like in the whole thread is mentioned over and over again, chatgpt doesn’t know the correct answer, it’s a mathematical model of “what looks ok” and “what should be the next word”, it looks ok to try to put --reset parameter to reset it, but because chatgpt can’t actually check documentation of podman stats if the param exists, it just generate it based on “common known text patterns”, and “common known text patterns” are written in a way suggesting that it is the truth.

    So once again - do your own research if following the results it could cause breaking both in tech and especially in life. And that is true for both chatgpt and random pages on internet.

    In this case I did exactly follow chatgpt answer without doing fact checking - I asked chatgpt, I copied the command and pasted it into terminal, because I know that if it didn’t work the worse that could happen it would fail and do nothing. But It’s bad for new people that will not know what the result could be if it’s wrong!

    @z00s Don’t take me wrong. I’m not telling not to use it, on the contrary.

    You should use any tool that helps you do your job/task. But you should try to understand how to use those tools wisely.

    Telling someone never to use ChatGPT is like telling someone to never use excavator. That is wrong, you should use excavator but you should know what is an excavator, and what harm it could do by for example accidentally destroy a building or even hurt someone (or youself) if not use wisely.

  • kolorafa@lemmy.worldtoLinux@lemmy.mlUsing ChatGPT with Linux
    3 months ago

    Example that confirms that “Chatgpt does not know truth. It does not know if the info it provides is true.” or more like “It will spell answer that match your inquiry that sound correct even if it’s totally made up.”



    in `podman stats` you see BLOCK IO as a summary of hard drive activity.
    how to reset the 
    To reset the block I/O statistics displayed by podman stats, you can use the podman stats --reset command.
    Error: unknown flag: --reset
    Apologies for the confusion. It seems I provided incorrect information. The podman stats command does not have a built-in option to reset the statistics.

    So once again, don’t be afraid to use it, but do your own research especially if following LLM could result in something breaking both in tech or in life.

  • kolorafa@lemmy.worldtoLinux@lemmy.mlUsing ChatGPT with Linux
    3 months ago

    don’t run any commands that you don’t understand. Ask it to break down any commands it tells you to run if you don’t understand them.

    You need to pay extra attention to this, as ML models will spit out commands and parameters that doesn’t exists if there was not enough examples in training dataset for that action. Especially with explain as it could just spit out totally wrong but “sounding good” explanation for parameter etc as it not always will tell the magic keywords like “typically” that indicate that it doesn’t have confidence as it’s “based on other similar command/knowledge”.

    In your example it spit out:

     -m: Prune empty directory chains from the file-list.
     --prune-empty-dirs: Exclude empty directories that result from the inclusion/exclusion pattern.

    which is actually exactly the same parameter with 2 different explanations, you can confirm this with man rsync

     --prune-empty-dirs, -m   prune empty directory chains from file-list

    So the more edge case you have the bigger chance it will spill out bad results, but those new models are shockingly good especially for very common use cases.

  • cfdisk only changes the partition table, this table like a small paper that you store at the front (or back) of drive where you put information, it’s just a list of coordinates like from this point to this point is your home, from this to this is your yard, from this to this is your neighbor. Just because you changed the values on your paper doesn’t actually make your neighbor closer or further.

    System read this list to figure out where are the “borders” between different sections that you defined to load and use them logically for multiple file systems.