Sailor, software engineer, musician, terminally online.

I miss the pre-adtech internet.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 1st, 2023


  • Yeah I’ve no love for Musk but Twitter is full of pretty unpleasant people in general and it made political journalism worse by encouraging low-effort hot takes over slower more thoughtful content. I won’t miss it when it’s gone.

    My problem isn’t really with its politics (I’m quite left-wing myself these days) but its personalities, you can be politically progressive without having the mentality of a schoolyard bully and that’s what Twitter was fundamentally about, bullying the main character of the day.

  • Vintage audio is the best, I’m planning on building a Mullard 5-10 hifi valve amp from the 1950s in the relatively near future as my second valve project (a micro-power valve AM radio transmitter is my current work in progress). The parts are spendy especially the transformers but valve/tube stuff is just so cool and the fact you can just build a 70 year old design using datasheets of the same vintage and have it work just as well now is so refreshing to my programmer brain that’s used to stuff going out of date when you blink. Also I’m a magpie for glass and glowing things.

    The downside is of course that the voltages involved tend to be rather unpleasant, the 5-10 design calls for 250 volts off the top of my head and some amps use 500+. Also they’re unspeakably inefficient by modern standards, it’s essentially a statement of ‘I’m putting rule of cool over sensible cost-sensitive engineering and you’re going to love it’ which I’m very here for.

  • I’d buy a nice house somewhere a bit wild and in the middle of nowhere on the south coast of either England or Wales, something old with character and a big garden with a good pub nearby. I’d also buy a classic wooden sailing yacht and put enough funds aside to maintain her as well as kitting her out for serious passage-making. When I’d done that I’d figure out how much money I need to make work optional for the rest of my life and how much would keep my family comfortable in an emergency, as well as a small ‘shit hits the fan’ fund kept in something you don’t need electricity to access like gold just in case. I’d then donate the rest to charity, the bulk to enviromentalist lobby groups and charities directly helping people (the RNLI comes to mind for example) but also to a few niche causes like keeping the ailing pirate radio ship Ross Revenge afloat and starting a breeding programme to save the highly endangered otterhound. I’d also like to have a few documentaries made, and I’d drop a few content creators I like some donations too.

    Honestly all I really want to do is go sailing and not have to deal with the rat race, I don’t want to live an oligarch’s lifestyle and I definitely don’t want the sort of attention and arseache that money would bring you. That money would be far more effectively used for good in the hands of others so I’d end up donating the majority of it, I suspect on the order of 80% of it at least.