• 6 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 13th, 2023


  • As I pointed out to another guy in the thread, we can arbitrarily dispute the meaning of any word, but at the end of the day, those meanings don’t change. We all know what an asshole is, and the context in which he is saying. Humans are hardwired to know that. If we weren’t, no society would be possible.

    Like I get that you want to prevent abuse but preventing people from using terms based on context isn’t going to stop it. Evil people will abuse anything to have power over others. We can’t let that stop us from using our own language.

    👇Exhibit A right down there. Do you see what I mean? People will dispute absolutely anything to get what they want, and sometimes, they’ll even treat the act of dispute as self-reinforcing. That’s why we don’t listen to them and go on about our business as usual. We have new nations to build; we can’t let ourselves be hampered by meaningless disputes the other side will never allow to be resolved. So don’t worry about it.

  • You’re refusing to think about what I am explaining to you, and you’re doing it deliberately because you think the act of disputing a thing disproves a thing, when in fact it does not. The dictionary is gonna be the final authority on what words mean whether you or I like it or not. Words mean what they mean whether we like it or not. Objective reality does not simply go away because you deny it, and any system we build in the future must accept that as a basic tenet to be able to function.

    The debate’s been over a while ago. I know you’re just going to try to keep talking to get the last word though, and that not only is my point, it’s also pretty shameful and against the spirit of the thread – we actually are trying to have friendly and meaningful debates that you’re interrupting because you think concern trolling gives your solipsism validity.

    Good day.