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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • I cant believe i am saying this, but i will give GF the smallest amount of a pass possible in that if they could develop a game on their schedule (while it probably would still have issues) it would probably be a much more complete and game than we have seen in a while.

    And the reason for that is because of the demands and standards on GF from Nintendo/The Pokemon Company would be alleviated by significantly more development time.

    Pokemon the brand is so fucking massive it is almost hard to comprehend. And that is because in part of how well synergized the different products are marketed and released. And right there is why it is impossible for GF to ask for a game to be delayed if they wanted to in order to create more assets (like 3D sprites) or do QA.

    A delay in the game releasing means they have to slow the production of cards, tv shows, movies, toys, promotions, all of the rest of the products that are based on the new game’s pokemon or other features.

    The entire brand pretty much has to halt. Why do that when they know people will still by a poorly optimized and game with less features than the previous entry (plus DLC) and then still get hyped to also buy cards and toys and everything else?

  • That’s understandable. If audiobooks still dont quite do it for you there are some absolutely fantastic history podcasts out there.

    Hardcore History by Dan Carlin is great for deep diving into different topics. His Supernova in the East does an excellent job of explaining things about Imperial Japan and WW2 battles in the Pacific, and his King of Kings is an excellent dive into ancient Persia and the kind of “Hollywood-ization” of the ancient greeks.

    Lions Led by Donkeys is a more laid back, but still really insightful military history podcast that not only covers older military examples of poor/crazy leadership at the top (the title being a reference to an observation made about the British by a German general in WWI), but also more modern conflicts spanning the globe too.

    There are plenty of others over numerous topics, but i’d be remiss if I didn’t mention both The History of Rome and Revolutions by Mike Duncan. The latter probably being my favorite history podcast so far.