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Cake day: July 7th, 2023

  • probably@beehaw.orgtoLinux@lemmy.mlBtw, I'm..
    10 months ago

    This might be my favorite meme of the month. There is a problem though. How often do they actually talk to people to end up in this quandary?

    I kid. All the love to my vegan arch users. Or arch using vegans. Whichever one you prefer.

  • probably@beehaw.orgtoLinux@lemmy.mlBtw, I'm..
    10 months ago

    Language changes over time and words don’t mean the same thing forever. The entire purpose of language is to communicate. So if you have a Mac and say you are a PC user, you are failing to use language well. Apple themselves helped facilitate that change. It can be less consistent with Linux on a PC, I agree. But language is an evolving meme (as per the original definition of meme, not the cat photos). And to not acknowledge that is like being a young earth creationist with language.

    Do you also argue that anyone who is happy is part of the LGBT community?

  • Ha. Hu ha ha. Ha. Hahaha.

    Money has value because it is an efficient medium to facilitate trade. Specific forms of money have value because of what backs it and it acts as a medium for trade. And yeah I’m sure what society really values will at some point be a money that limits the ability to deal with economic crises. Or that slowly disappears, because privacy Bob didn’t believe in banks but his SSD failed, or because Crypto Karen forgot her password. Or a hacker loots an exchange.

    I mean, it’s not like those are fundamental problems that could bring an economy to it’s knees right? But hey, at least the money has privacy (it won’t) and we don’t have to worry about inflation (deflation on the other hand…).

  • This is a naive world view. Working in a toxic environment is such a drain on you already. And then if you are in a field that is hard to break in to, you worry causing any issues will get you blackballed. And you often blame yourself and truly start to believe it is you who is doing bad. And getting a lawyer and suing is usually a fucking stressful nightmare. I have these huge boxes full of paperwork that I’ve filled out over the past few years and have to keep. I will randomly need some of them. And I’ll randomly be notified to do even more shit. And it drags on for years. And my stuff is small fry compared to going up against massive company. Fucking paperwork gives me anxiety at this point.

    Then you have to think about the rabid fan base that will be sending her death threats. Doxing her. Etc. All because they decided Linus is too cool he has all the computer shit.

  • mean lemmy is, like the early days of reddit and digg before it, full of tech enthusiasts.

    Linus was one of if not the most successful tech YouTuber. He went from a YouTuber to a tech media empire. I don’t know why you’d be surprised that a site that is basically full of his target audience is interested in it.

    And honestly this is some awful stuff.

    I mean I’m fucking sick of being reminded Trump is a real person, but I’m not surprised by all the coverage of his arrests.

    And to add, he held such away with the tech enthusiast community that, if during the reddit fallout, he had come out and talked shit about lemmy under the guise of some list of reasons and pushed for kbin or even some other service entirely then we would likely see a drastic difference in the number of people that joined here.

  • I mean lemmy is, like the early days of reddit and digg before it, full of tech enthusiasts.

    Linus was one of if not the most successful tech YouTuber. He went from a YouTuber to a tech media empire. I don’t know why you’d be surprised that a site that is basically full of his target audience is interested in it.

    And honestly this is some awful stuff.

    I mean I’m fucking sick of being reminded Trump is a real person, but I’m not surprised by all the coverage of his arrests.

  • Studies have shown we typically use pattern matching for our choices but not statistics. One such experiment had humans view to light bulbs (I think one was red one was green). One light would turn on at a time and they were allowed or given a record of what had happened. Then they were asked to guess what would occur next for n number of steps. Same thing is done with rats. Humans are rewarded with money based on correct choices and rats with food. Here is the thing, one light (let’s say red) would light up with 70% probability and the other with 30%. But it was randomized.

    The optimal solution is to always pick red. Every time. But humans pick a pattern. Rats pick red. Humans consistently do worse than rats. So while we are using a form of updating, it certainly isn’t proper bayesian updating. And just because you think we function some way doesn’t make it true. And it will forever be difficult to describe any AI as conscious, because we have really arbitrarily defined it to fit us. But we can’t truly say what it is. Not can we can why we function how we do. Or if we are all in a simulation or just a Boltzmann brain.

    Honestly, something that concerns me most about AI is that it could become sentient, but we will not know if it is or just cleverly programmed so we treat it only as a tool. Because while I don’t think AI is inherently dangerous, I think becoming a slave owner of something that could be much more powerful probably is. And given their lack of chemical hormones, we will have even less of an understanding of what or how it feels.

  • Be careful. I suffer from anxiety too and used CBD for a while. At some point I was prescribed meds after having a few panic attacks due to some life issues. Those meds were benzodiazepines. That shit is amazing in the moment. Might be the most impactful medication I’ve ever taken. But they are easily the most addictive thing I have ever used (and I was a fairly troubled youth if you know what I mean). Long term they are awful for memory and may increase the odds of dimentia significantly. And withdrawal is some of the most severe of any addictive substance. Talking seizures and possible death from going cold turkey if you’ve been on for a long time and higherish dosage. Really only alcohol compares as far as withdrawal symptoms. Heroine and cocaine are less severe.

    So all I’m saying is that if they are benzos, they are not a good long term solution in spite of the fact that they work very well. All benzos labels say they should only be given for very short term management, but doctor’s hand out that shit like candy.

    Cognitive behavioral therapy is absolutely great for anxiety and requires less or no drugs. Also, there are some other options for long term management that aren’t so dangerous. Hopefully it is one of those if she takes it regularly.

  • probably@beehaw.orgtoSteam@lemmy.mlWhat game is this for you?
    11 months ago

    Fallout 3. I had a big lull in gaming where I played some on Xbox and ps2, but not much on those either because I started working (at like 15 years old) and my PC could no longer handle games. So I missed out on that when it came out. And New Vegas. Well after a few years and after moving to a place that had broadband, I had the money for a new PC. FO3 goty happened to be on sale on steam. I grabbed it for super cheap and just become so engrossed. I don’t think I had played a modern open world game like that ever at that point. And it had such a fun interactive story where choices had consequences. I blew the shit out of a whole town with a nuke not realizing how it would impact things. Now it is my favorite type of game. Grabbed New Vegas on sale shortly after and got to continue the experience. All for super cheap.

  • I miss text centric internet. I was interested in Linux from like age 12. But I only had one computer and was scared to install it. Well I got tricked on irc to fuck up my windows install. Left with some Linux install CDs and little other options, I went for it. My modem wasn’t supported, but luckily I had a little bit of money stashed and went to office Depot to grab an external modem I knew worked.

    And after struggling to get windows to work well on that old hand me down computer I was blown away. Especially when I found lynx. It opened webpages so fast. Got AIM working, got irc going, and had everything I needed. Started to learn more about the system and the internet was a wonderful place. Loads of information, but you had to seek out the things that interested you.

    I made some really good friends that I would chat with for hours on end. Really helped me through an otherwise pretty not good childhood. Helped me learn a lot of stuff. And it wasn’t ad filled, hyper tracking oriented, walled garden garbage.

    Also, goatse.